Update on Marine Corps Gallery, where I was writing a novel with the Marine Corps. JPG.

Update on Marine Corps Gallery, where I was writing a novel with the Marine Corps. JPG.

Marine Corps.Blocking the connection, writing
The list of 1200 characters that I’ve read right now.
00012118512020124Recommend 1121 views, 80 comments, 30
I’m serving in the 2nd Division, and if I reveal the last digit, I’m afraid someone will see me, so I won’t use it.But how can active people write right now?I’m on vacation.1 Sik torture – instrument bar 1When Asahi, which is known on the surface, practices, there is no instrument bar that feeds everything in PX. In addition, it is the Alpha Battalion of the 2nd Division, so PX does not use any instrument bar because it is a place that comes once a week.
However, there is a rule that when a person discharged from Ganda Bread buys chicken pizza and feeds them a few days before going home, they should not implicitly put their chopsticks down.
Mals say there are no musical instruments, but honestly, about 4 Asahi ate all of the remaining
chicken in the name of not leaving chicken that the platoon
Im bought for Ganda Bread last week.
Of course, before that, I already ate more than one chicken per person, and at first, the chicken was very delicious, but at some point, it was disgusting and I had to keep putting it in my mouth.
If you put your chopsticks down and don’t eat anything, you’ll eat them like a dog if you try to eat more in a hurry, but if you don’t eat more and take them as a joke, you’ll definitely eat them like a dog.
2 Frozen – Ice AgeIt’s a bad habit that you can do if you attach Sergeant, the king of Hobongje.If you say “ice age” to someone under you, you have to stop.
Simple ice cream might be doable, but while he was on the pull-up rod, he hung ice age on his side and poked his head a lot while going up.
But I still have to do it.If I don’t do it, if it’s a bit late that day, it’ll be revealed until the next day.Additionally, if you get an ice age while taking a shower, cold water, not hot water, will pour out during your shower.
3. Pulling out the hair on your nose hair.It’s just a nose hair pulling out.He suddenly pulled it out.With tweezers…4
I got acupuncture with this.There is still a hole in the back of my combat suit, which is a hole for comradeship.
If it was deep or missed to the side, it would have been sold somewhere else and
holiday would have been cut off, but I don’t know why I did it with confidence.
However, if I had been stabbed, I would have gone to Sutong and lay down comfortably for a few weeks, but Ha
leaves that kind of disappointment.5. Air purifier.It’s similar to the ones that already came up.If the senior farts and the senior says air purifier,After hearing that, the successor has to breathe in with exaggerated action as much as possible.
Of course, it’s more effective if you look everywhere and breathe in.Marine punks who didn’t seem like dogs and dogs did a lot of things like that, but I only remember that much I remember.Of course, I didn’t do well in the military.If it was a good thing to please the babies who were left behind, I was really bad at military service.
Still, I’ve never said bad things to my successor, brainwashing myself, saying, “I’ve never done bad things to my junior,” while masturbating with the moral superiority I gained from it.K
Concept.I don’t recommend it.

Update on Marine Corps Gallery, where I was writing a novel with the Marine Corps. JPG.
Oh, come to think of it, there were cute handovers by
that you shouldn’t use chopsticks or put rice in the soup. No matter how cold it was, there was also a handover that said we shouldn’t wear padding.

Update on Marine Corps Gallery, where I was writing a novel with the Marine Corps. JPG.
Marine Corps.Blocking the connection, writing
Marine Corps’ true story. Marine Big Brother Story 1
00223331,202202212331398 views. Recommendation 109.Comments 23
You all know that training book, right? Giving you a diary when you were a soldier.Fostering elite Marine Corps.I’m going to give you an explanation.Marine Corps distributes things that look like this.Anyway, since I was a soldier, even if it’s not every day,I used it once or twice a week.After the military service, after the second half of the year,After the stage, absurdity went by…Was it when I was just a corporal?I lock my private coffin pad and put supplies inside.Things to eat, money, underwear, combat uniforms, etc.Or everyone was saying bye for a long time.I really stole everything.That’s why locks are a must.During the day, battalion commander’s office had a terminal on the telephone pole.I took the outdoor utp line and fixed it and came back.IT
The lock is broken.It’s a ripped foster home.(Laughs)I don’t know who it is, but looking at the situation,I think one of the remaining sergeant’s babies…I was going to say goodbye to my coffin, but I saw the foster tree.When I saw the curse inside,I ripped it because I was angry.Wow, the thought of breaking it down…I peeked at my diary and tore it apart because I was angry.I wondered if this was a person.That was so close.Oh! Memories of that day!
Battalion commander! Terminal box on the telephone pole!
It’s a torn diary of a year!
It’s a comfortable life that was monitored!
– dc official App
Concept.I don’t recommend it.Hit-chu!Report it!

Update on Marine Corps Gallery, where I was writing a novel with the Marine Corps. JPG.
Marine Corps.Blocking the connection, writing
Marine Fire Division 2nd Infantry Division 1
2414 view count recommendation 111 조회Comments 51
When you press the 512k phone magnet button, it has a cute function that generates
electricity from the connected wire.
Argh! Can I ask you if you can write it down after reading the biography torture above!
He was a communicator near his own Gimpo Baby Bong Company.If you go to work with a senior on top of the 10th class who lived in Gwangju, Jeolla-do,512k electric torture all the time. Electricity on my teeth, tongue, and nose.A group of psychotic people.If his face is rotten, he’ll pick him at the front-runner’s office the next morning. He’s a really vicious guy.Besides this, I’ll put the red chair behind me during the night shift.Lying down and not dozing off…Memorizing all the meal plans for a month.I have about 500 phone numbers from generation to generation. Memorizing them all.A lot of things happened. Oh my god.On the last day, I remember borrowing money from them and blaming them for diving.Since then, Marine Corps and Jeolla-do have been trusting and skipping. I still have Facebook and Instagram, but I can’t find it.(Laughs)Seriously, if I get in touch with him, I’ll take 2 days off to meet him.Hm…I really miss you!
Oh! Memories of that day!
Thrilling electric torture!
The cute 512k phone!
Work that day, when my body and heart were tingling!
I’makes me.hocom
Last name.I love you…MINIT
Conne SISA is BRA.I’m getting back at you know.YE
o g 81 5
50 50
0 30 30
2 bottles.Discharged from the military service, 130507
How to do it…To prove that he was discharged from the military by voluntary means,
2×25cm Marine Corps.I…30 30
PHOTOOOOOOOOOOOOO.About the translation – 번역TH
– dc official App
Concept.I don’t recommend it.

Update on Marine Corps Gallery, where I was writing a novel with the Marine Corps. JPG.
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Q. Recent visit
Gallery.Minor gal…Mini-gal.News.Game.Wiki…Marine Corps.Blocking the connection, writing
Marine Corps 1st Division’s actual incident.
005179 20220221 2224.42 views. Recommendation 2.Comment 2.1 Artillery, Oral Jugye, Corporal, ordered Private to Oral for several months.2. Bullying the new sergeant. Outcasting him.Putting a light bulb in your mouth and turning it on.3rd successor Don Gin Bye, run away from the military
Mental Hospital, got a thief’s diagnosis, and justified
Gin Bye4th grader positioning himself and dropping candles on Ddongkko – I heard this from the person directly30
Concept.I don’t recommend it.Hit-chu!DE
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Update on Marine Corps Gallery, where I was writing a novel with the Marine Corps. JPG.
Marine Corps.Blocking the connection, writing
Come to think of it, when I was in the military, I spread accident cases from time to time.185 views. Recommendation 11.Comments 3
Among them, there were stories about hitting each other’s goddaughters or telling each other, so I was really scared.I was discharged from the military without any harsh acts in a decent unit, but some of my colleagues were toothbrushes.11
Concept.I don’t recommend it.

Update on Marine Corps Gallery, where I was writing a novel with the Marine Corps. JPG.
Marine Corps.Blocking the connection, writing
Marine Command, who was hurt by Marine Corps literature, are you relieved?oo118235
20220222 0352
4688 view count recommendation 226Comments 27
It’s Marine Corps’ non-literature. What do you think?
Are you feeling proud of yourself?
0 27
Concept.I don’t recommend it.Hit-chu!V
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The era of non-literature has arrived.

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