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The reason why pine mushrooms are expensive.jpg

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DB Insurance.Why are pine mushrooms expensive?
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Leakage of the reputation.VEMG
It’s a mushroom that always comes to mind when you think of expensive mushrooms.I’m sure you’ve always been curious about this mushroom.
What’s the difference between pine mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms? The difference between the two.Why aren’t there any western mushrooms?Let’s find out from now on.2
Your ecosystem environment.Q. Are mushrooms plants, too?
A Mushroom is a fungus.
If you didn’t doze off during science class in high school,You may know that mushrooms act as decomposers in the ecosystem.
But if you dig deeper, mushrooms don’t just act as decomposers.
Picea abies
saprotrophic fungus
This is a picture showing the relationship between mushrooms and ecosystems.If you look, you’ll see two cases: yellow and green mushrooms.
The mushroom on the left is a decomposer mushroom that breaks down the fallen leaves and animal carcasses that we commonly know, and in other words, an eddy mushroom Saprotic fungi
.You’ll see that the green mushroom in the middle is a little different from the one on the left.
If you look closely, you can see the mycelium entangled with the roots of the tree, 누As I’ve said many times, the body of the mushroom is the mycelium in the ground
These mushrooms are in the form of symbiosis with woody wood, and the symbiosis relationship that nourishes, receives, and helps each other is

These mushrooms consume nutrients in the form of consumers, not decomposers in the ecosystem, and are often referred to as mycorrhizal fun
gi.It is estimated that the mycobacterial mushrooms coexist with about 90 of the existing woody trees
Nine out of ten street trees live with fungus-like mushrooms. That means it’s very important in the ecosystem.For reference, the symbiotic mechanism between fungal mushrooms and trees has not been accurately revealed. It’s so complicated and difficult.This is because even if a person artificially plants mycelium near a tree, it takes years to co-exist with the tree roots due to its growth.
Then let’s think about it.If you roughly spray the spores on the sawdust, it will rot and grow well.It takes years to create a symbiotic network with tree roots, and it is a fungal mushroom with a complex circle
.Which mushroom would be easier to grow?Of course, it’s Boohoo-sung mushroom.The mushrooms that we usually eat at the table.Shiitake oyster top, saesongi, button mushrooms.They’re all rich mushrooms, so it’s easy to grow and easy to see at the table.News.IER
Now I know why pine mushrooms are expensive.Pine mushroom is a fungal mushroom that coexists with pine trees.Therefore, farming is impossible with the current technology.
In fact, pine mushrooms have a symbiotic relationship with mycelium and trees, and it takes 8 to 15 years for mushrooms to come out.
If you look up pictures of pine mushrooms, you can see only the pictures that grew up underground.The reason why there is no picture of the tree rotting while growing up like shiitake mushrooms is because it is not a rich mushroom.These fungus mushrooms are expensive and hard to see at a table or mart.There are pine trees, truffles, kko-tailed mushrooms, sari mushrooms, gombo mushrooms, net mushrooms, etc.
There’s a funny story about pine mushrooms that seem almost impossible to cultivate.
A domestic research institute once dug up soil containing the mycelium of pine mushrooms and kept it, and there was a time when pine mushrooms grew up in a flash.
There were no pine trees to coexist, but mushrooms were formed.
I’m a baby pine.10
pixtastockcom – 69731760
I don’t know why but let’s ask the mushroom doctors about it. I have to wait next to the pine tree to get mushrooms.11
pixtajp – 286969!
Whew lol What is this? I don’t know either. You should ask your colleague
Image ID E14H55
Ah lol This is far lol I don’t know either Why did this come out?There’s a story that no one found out why it came out.There’s still a long way to go for fungus-based mushroom cultivation technology.13
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On the other hand, in the West, he’s in a position similar to that of East Asian pine mushrooms.Httpst
because there’s a favorable factor that artificial cultivation technology of gombo mushrooms has been developed.Someday, pine mushrooms will be grown in large quantities and become mushrooms that can be easily served on the table.99
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Concept.I don’t recommend it.Choo.Share!Report it!

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