The reason why Roa was so popular overseas. Blind.

The reason why Roa was so popular overseas. Blind.

Lost Ark forces women to wear heels and limits their jobs.
WEMADE 1010101!
Yesterday…Kotaku’s article that forced female characters to wear only heels while wearing naked clothes if the article was funny, Kotaku was a Confucian dragon who was deprived of the US
Lost Arks Depiction Of Female Characters Feels
A Decade Out Of Date
The free-to-play action MMORPG forces women to wear

The reason why Roa was so popular overseas. Blind.
Startup, EFaa51
Looking at the articles, I think these things have been raised since 10 years ago in the West. Korean content is going global. Wouldn’t this be a problem to think about?
I like it yesterday. 87 어제
XL Games jsed01
I don’t know this, so I don’t think I do it.Yesterday. Good. 6

Smilegate Entertainment jsb2jdjs
No, it’s not.Yesterday…Good. 2 좋아요
NEXON akdbruq
This is right.Yesterday…I like it. 2 I
IMC 1913 iijijijil
What should I think about? I can just play a game that’s attractive even if I cover it up and make it. It’s not a game that’s a couple of years old, but since we suddenly hit a million global
, I have to think about putting in my PC.10 hours. Good. 2

Smilegate Entertainment, I don’t want to work overtime, so there are many cases where
PC ruins games, and why should I match it?
If I mess up the game with people who have PC history who don’t even play games, the gamer will get the damage, but I should reject the PC.2 hours is good.
New company nsQT22
In reality, Roa’s naked female character doesn’t have to be a streamer for all users.Kimchi man, hooray. This is what we wanted. It’s a mess.Why are you playing in the streets of Confucianism of those progressive men?1 hour 4 is good.
What’s wrong with the comment status? Western women’s ratio is high, so I think they’ll think about it, so just looking at Roa’s reaction to overseas streamers, healsin can be ridiculous. “Isn’t it an unverified pool for kids who don’t play games?”11 minutes.
I like it’s good.Smilegate Entertainment jsb2jdjs
yes no lol Everything like you guys don’t need has already been verified
by figures10 minutes.6 is good.2011 uYcm86
One of the things that Roa gets favorable reviews abroad is that she doesn’t get stained with threak-like PCs.8 minutes.I love it’s good.Smilegate Entertainment. jsb2jdjs
I beg you, so if you want to make the right game, set up a company and make it.~
Don’t try to waste your spoon on things you’ve already done well~6 minutes…I love it’s good.


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