The Audi car owner scolded me for parking.JPG

The Audi car owner scolded me for parking.JPG

I’m a S@M6 car owner in his 30s living in a local city not far from Seoul.@I’m living in an officetel, and although the parking space is very small, I’ve never had a conflict with my neighbors while parking well in the @line.@Yesterday, I parked in the parking lot and woke up in the morning. I got this message. @909 @Text message @834am today @There’s no title.No matter how much you don’t care about others, how can you drive like this? Even if I try to make it next to it, the coffee that I’m holding will spill out, so it’s hard to make it. I’ll send it to the photo management office and request an announcement.I’m the car owner next to him. @There’s no title.A @Text message @A @MR PORTE @909 @@3 @SW: I’m the car owner next to him. @There’s no title.There are so many non-conceptual parking. I don’t think it’s a good thing. @I will find and implement the @Eulsi Public District Act without a clear apology or promise to prevent recurrence after requesting CCTV that my car came in first. @O @A @Text message @SOO.A @MR PORTE @932 @Gil LTE @3 @All of them.Four…I will find and implement the @Eulsi Public District Act without a clear apology or promise to prevent recurrence after requesting CCTV that my car came in first. @Can you explain in which part you said @ because it’s an unconceptual parking?You didn’t see the picture. @Please make sure I don’t get in the driver’s seat or open the door.I parked my car in the line, and I think it’s far away from the line.Yes, it doesn’t matter if you’re talking to the management office. Help yourself. I think it’s rude to say that the person who doesn’t even know or know has no concept. @That’s right. That’s how much you think about it’s like this. I’ll take care of it.I’ll announce that this isn’t conceptless and listen to your opinion.If it’s like this, apologizing comes first.A text message @A @MR PORTE @932 @LTE @3 @Four…I’ll win, m-ray IEIThat’s right. That’s how much you think about it’s like this. I’ll take care of it.I’ll announce that this isn’t conceptless and listen to your opinion.If it’s like this, apologizing is the first thing is…Yes, if you said it politely from the beginning, I would have apologized after thinking about my fault. But I don’t think you’re worth it, so I don’t think I have to be polite. Work hard and have a good day! @Yes, you can take care of it. It doesn’t fit the logic and has a selfish way of thinking, so it’s something that doesn’t work normally.Am I being selfish?I’m talking with my acquaintances while looking at the pictures, but no one knows what I’m going to do anymore.I’m sure people around me are weird.@I don’t have anything to do on my own, so you have to do well on your own.@Text message @SOO.0 @MR PORTE @A @932 @al LTE @3 @EL @Four…Have a good day!Yes, you can take care of it. It doesn’t fit the logic and has a selfish way of thinking, so it’s something that doesn’t work normally.Am I being selfish?I’m talking with my acquaintances while looking at the pictures, but no one knows what I’m going to do anymore.I’m sure people around me are weird.@I don’t have anything to do on my own, so you have to do well on your own. @Yes, so you don’t have to contact me. It’s not something to move on. It’s a typical way to talk about Jeju’s mood. @Yes, have a good day. @Yes, I’ll try until the end.^^ @Yes!0 @4 @Text message @A @MR PORTE @SM6 on the right is my garage and the pillar is next to it.@I heard that I was a person who couldn’t make a miracle and normal accident overnight that I spilled coffee because I was so angry and squeezed, but I’m curious about your opinions! @

The Audi car owner scolded me for parking.JPG
I didn’t know so many people would leave comments. I tried to read as many as possible. I felt a lot of things as I read the comments that helped me relieve my resentment and that I could have parked more considerately.There were a lot of people who wanted pictures of @the pillar, so I ran to the car right after work and took pictures. @Elive 엘리Pies @B3 @It’s the same parking condition the day before. I parked in the middle, so I think the Audi owner must have had a hard time getting in the driver’s seat. The door doesn’t open on the pillars, so I’m going to try parking that’s more considerate. @I texted the other car owner, and the screenshot is long, so please understand. I can’t scroll capture it’959 @Gil LTE @< @3 @Four...Today afternoon, 656...Hello, I posted our @ situation on Bobaedream because you wanted to see who did more wrong and wanted public debate. I covered my car number and cell phone number and posted it, and it became the best post. @NAVER@linknavercom@The Audi owner scolded me for parking - Bobae Dream Free Bulletin BoardDo it like that. Your car. Do it like that's your car.@Your car didn't cross the line, but I just don't understand that you're taking that attitude even when you're so close to the car.@You don't have to cross the line, so first of all, the dancer next to you, @Do whatever you want @Ram can't ride or crumpled up? @The car next to me still allowed me to ride people ride it.@Public Debate refers to the interior of an officetel. @Li is...Text message @SOO.A @MR PORTE @959 @il LTE @3 @Four...Gonghwa means an officetel stand. @Bobae Dream? If your car number doesn't get leaked, there's no problem. If not, it might be different, but do as much as you can.@I'm not a member of Bobae Dream. I don't even have a reason for my cheeks.@As long as your personal information is not leaked. If I don't make up a situation to decide how I posted and whether I actually did, it's not a situation for me to say it. I'm going to check if there's a problem with someone who can judge this problem.@Only if it doesn's no leakage. @The important thing was that I couldn't get on the driver's seat@ because I was so close to the car, and there was no apology@. Please consider the other person's position. @Please note this. Personal information. Please know this.There's no problem with posting on the website while covering up personal information.Text message @SOO.A @0 @MR PORTE @1000 @all LTE @<< @Four...Please note this.There's no problem with posting on the website while covering up personal information.He intentionally informed me that he posted something on the bulletin board.Call the management office and ask if I asked for CCTV records.It's a big deal if someone who saw the article finds my car number in a very close way and there's a reason why my personal information is leaked.@Professional defamation. @What I hope is that you won't park your car without considering your position.@The second row parking lot @outside parking in this officetel. There are many situations. @Do you know why I don't need to watch Bobae Dream? It's not my experience to get excited while reading the comments, but CCTV clearly exists and I naturally know when the leak occurs.A text message @SOO.A @MR PORTE @1000 @all LTE @< @Four...Do you know why I don't need to watch Bobae Dream? It's not like I'm going to get excited while reading the comments, but it's because CCTV definitely exists and I naturally get to know when the leak occurs.O @I hope you don't do that without considering the other person's position. @I'm also busy right now, so let's stop contacting each other if there's nothing special.Today afternoon, 902...As of 9 o'clock, more than 70,000 people saw it and more than 700 people left comments. I don't know how long you've lived your life, but I think you're blindfolded and ears closed. If you have time, I hope you read it once and don't hurt your neighbors.@Be happy @I've been telling you this many times. Personal information. "Oh, my". "ALL IN LITALI".A text message @A @MR PORTE @1000 @all LTE @3 @Four...Be happy!I'll tell you all the time, as long as you don't leak your personal information. It's a wide opinion, so I'll pick up the @car.And he said, "I'm in trouble if you posted something there."@And I'll call you when I see the defamation @ situation due to personal information leakage in the message just now I'll call you.0 @I'm telling you number 2 that I don't want you to contact me anymore except for special events with someone like you. @I will notify the management office of the captured text.@There's a reason why I do that. @You even told me in detail what you did, so I actually... Thank you.@It helps me laugh a lot.And don't be so clingy to other people's cars. From now on, @O @A @Text message @A @MR PORTE @I talked to you up to here again. I don't think it'll be meaningful anymore, so I think it'd be better not to reply. @I'm a young doctor who lives a small hospital, but feels rewarded and grateful that something can help patients. I always tried to have a warm sense of work. I think I was trying not to be hard-hearted. @I'm going to think positively so that what I went through today can work in my life. If you take legal action against me, I can't stay still. @Thank you for reading the long comment. I hope there won't be any more bad reviews. @

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