The original author was surprised by the legendary misinterpretation.

The original author was surprised by the legendary misinterpretation.

Ministry of Health and Wishes for Inequality.Everyone, @Falco.Ministry of Health and @The Great Escape @The Great Escape @THE@GREAT@ESCAPE@Angus Dee-Ddon @Joo Soohyun’s @– @Angus D-turn.Winning the 2015 Nobel Prize in Economics, the best masterpiece that analyzed the relationship between consumption and welfare poverty!@Story of both growth and inequality @Korean scene.The Korea Economic Daily.

The original author was surprised by the legendary misinterpretation.

The original author was surprised by the legendary misinterpretation.
Inequality is the stepping stone for growth.” The Great Escape @” @Professor D’Turn’s representative book.The Great Escape @The great @As U.S. Professor Angus Deaton @Su70 won this year’s Nobel Prize in Economics, the second act of the debate over the truth of inequality has risen. The first debate@ was triggered by 21st century capital by Professor Toma Piketty of Paris Economy THE@ University last year. Inequality in the capitalist economy is…ESCAPE@Piketty’s view of threatening democracy around the world received so much public attention that it was called Piketty Syndrome@. On the other hand, Professor Ditton said, “The publication of the Great Escape of the National Economic Daily in 2013 is inequality. It is another opportunity for growth in 2014 by translating Hankyung and publishing it in words.” After that, the great escape demonstrates the dynamics of capitalism.I ordered those who wanted to find the essence of @state poverty inequality as a benefit textbook. It was evaluated as having a position that was published in Korea last year. “Great Escape” is the achievement of an old scholar, @Piketty vs. D-turn.It’s a book that contains that.Saint-Gusdiden, a professor at Princeton University who was selected as the Nobel Prize winner this year, is 129 @Professor Christopher Sims and other professors 1@Wishius, who won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Biblical Studies, are congratulating Lynn. @

The original author was surprised by the legendary misinterpretation.
It is important to consider inequality. It’s important to consider who gets @benefits and who lags behind on how we should judge improvement in life, and it’s also because inequality has its own effects @tell us how to use new opportunities for those who lag behind @Inequality can spread growth if it works in a giving way. But it can @cut down material improvement or even blow it out as a whole. Inequality can boost the social and social energy of the lagging people to improve their lives, but on the contrary, inequality can be very bad and profits are so concentrated in a small number of hands that suffocate economic growth and disrupt economic operations.” @The missing part in the Korean version.

The original author was surprised by the legendary misinterpretation.
T Times @Professor Ditton of the Nobel Prize in Economics.Great Escape @ How did it become mistranslated?TIMES = Reporter Lee Jaewon, Designer Jung Outside @hel@nerne @
When it comes to mistranslation,
It comes from the translator’s mistake or lack of ability.
However, there are times when people deliberately misinterpret.
It is the Korean version of the Great Escape, an economic book published in 2015.
The Great Escape won the Nobel Prize in Economics.
It’s Professor Angus Ditton’s book.
It’s a masterpiece that deals with economic development and the gap between the rich and the poor in depth.
It’s Professor D-Turn’s masterpiece.
But in the Korea Economic Daily,
When the Korean version of “Great Escape” was published,
The main thesis of the book was translated into a way that inequality is the stepping stone for growth.
The main thesis of the book was translated into a way that inequality is the stepping stone for growth.
However, this is a completely opposite translation of the main thesis of the great escape.
Rather, in “Great Escape,
It is argued that serious inequality hinders development.
In the end, the mistranslation was delivered to the original author, Professor Angus Ditton.
The Korean Economic Daily recovered all of the distorted great escape Korean version,
The Great Escape was later translated and republished.
This case…
To spread their ideas and arguments,
I purposely misinterpreted and sold famous foreign books.
It’s very different from other misinterpretation cases.

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