I’m dating UPGIRL.
What should I do?
SK Hynix, Jikji Simche.
9 minutes.
I got close to UPGIRLAND, and I met her several times in private.
She’s young and pretty. She’s cheerful and nice.
I sometimes talk about marriage, but it’s a dilemma.
I’ll quit when I meet him on the premise of marriage.All right.
i Check my duo membership fee for 5 seconds!
I’d love to.
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MBC reporter Blind will survey for you.
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Seoul Metropolitan Government, Dove Dudnati #Sailhi
Before you get married, I’ll give it a try.
If it’s good, I’ll pay 300,000 won under the congratulatory money.
8 minutes.
I like i-SHOP 28.
A big comment.