image text translation
Refusal of summons
Name change
Occasional plastic surgery
false career
personal history
18 or more
False head
Master’s and doctoral thesis plagiarism
Sentenced to w years in prison
Stock price manipulation 60 billion won
Prosecutor Unseok-ryeol
fortune teller
image text translation
Shin Jeong-ah only forged her academic background.
Received criminal punishment.
Kim Geon-hee’s education, career, and awards
Everything was forged.
What kind of punishment should I get?
Unseokyeol knows best.
image text translation
Following Sookmyung Women’s University, Mrs. Kim Geon-hee also attended Kookmin University.
Cancel review above
2025-01-16 08.49
Sookmyung Women’s University hosted President Un Seok-yeol’s wife, Kim Geon-hee.
Kookmin University has reached a tentative conclusion of plagiarism regarding its master’s thesis.
We also decided to consider canceling Mrs. Kim’s doctoral degree.
An official from Kookmin University said, “You can’t have a doctoral degree or a master’s degree.”
“No,” he said. “If Sookmyung University cancels the master’s degree program, what procedures will be followed?”
“We plan to review whether we should do so,” he said.
Mrs. Kim received a degree in techno design from Kookmin University through Son’s thesis in 2008.
I received a doctoral degree from a professional graduate school, but some of the English notation is not good.
It’s not good and has caused controversy.
Sookmyung University previously claimed that Ms. Kim’s 1999 master’s thesis was plagiarized.
We have reached a tentative conclusion and notified Mrs. Kim. movement