image text translation
‘Opposed to special prosecutor Chae Sang-byeong’ Kim Hong-guk declared not guilty in first trial
An apology to Colonel Park Jeong-hoon? “I want you” he gets angry
Entered 2025.01.09. 5.05pm
Original text of article
Reporter Kim Na-yeon
[OSEN=Reporter Lee Dae-seon] Accused by A, a woman in her 30s, for sexual misconduct.
Singer Gam Heung-guk visited Gwangjin Police in Seoul on the afternoon of the 5th to receive a police summons for investigation.
Singer Kim Heung-guk, who appeared in court as a suspect, gave an interview and left.
All /sunday@osencokr
[OSEN = Reporter Kim Na-yeon] Singer Kim Hong-guk met with seniors and juniors of the Marine Corps.
The war of words continues:
On the 9th, Kim Hong-guk posted on his ‘Deuldae TV’ channel, “Colonel Park Jeong-hoon is
It’s my fault. When a comment saying “apologize” was left, “What are you?”
There is a backlash:
Shut up, civil war butterfly