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Why Novelist Kafka Was Cute at Work


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Mr. E’s Kafka anecdote is so adorable that it brings tears to my eyes.
2024.06.01 15.44
Viewed 1951
One day, while walking in the park in Bepplin, Kafka found his favorite doll.
A girl is crying because she lost her hair. They are making a doll together.
I looked for it but couldn’t find it. Kafka will be there tomorrow.
He said we would meet up and find out.
The doll was not found the next day, but Kafka found the child’s hand and said, ‘The doll is in his hand.’
Letter dance.
The letter said, “Don’t cry. I’m going on a trip to see the world. I’m going on a trip to see the world.
It doesn’t say “I’ll write a letter about the experience.”
The story that started there continued for the rest of Kafka’s life.
When Kafka meets a child, the adventures and conversations the doll experiences are written down.
I tried to read the letter, but the child never came back.
In the end, Kafka finished his trip (buying a new doll) and went to Betlin.
The doll came back and the girl got wet.
When the girl said, ‘This isn’t as real as her doll,’ Kafka
The doll was holding another letter.
In it, it says, “My journey has turned out well.”
I hugged my brother and returned home happily TrTTTT
A year later, Kafka = gave it to him, but as time went by and the child grew up,
When the adult came back, he found a note inside the doll.
There, in small letters, Kafka wrote:
“You will probably lose most of everything you love.
But in the end, love will come back in a different form.”
“Everything you love will probably be lost butin the
“end love will return in another way”
They say there is no fight.
Kafka said that no one is really cute at work, and this is what happened.
That’s because I’m a sensitive person.
It’s such a lovely and cute anecdote that makes me cry TTTTTTTTTT
Because of the helim rate.

Original article: Haeyeon Gallery

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