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‘Don’tfeedthetroll’: German chancellor
responds to Elon Musk comments
The world’s richest man has been voicing support forGermany’s
far-right AfD party while insulting its current leaders
aElon Musk altering the opening ceremony of
new Tesla factory in Gruenheide, Germnany
2022. Photograph: Reuters
When the German chancellor; Olaf Scholz, was asked in an interview about
the barrage of insults
directed at him and other German leaders by
Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, his reply was: “Don’t feed the troll
Elon Musk snipes at German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, calling him an “incompetent idiot.”
Scholz responded, “Don’t feed the troll.” He reacted sharply by saying,
If this continues, won’t a world war start?