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Seunghwan Lee’s Instagram situation.


image text translation

‘Let’s go’
‘Cancel it.
A banner installed by conservative groups at the entrance to Gumi City Hall.
dreamfactory_boss First gummies in 35 years since Dedu
It’s a performance, but it’s a pity.
On the day of the performance, we will take the best measures to ensure audience safety.
Special thanks to those who came to the performance.
My whole body was shaking, I was singing and jumping.
Take out the special sex continent, tighten it, clean it, and replace it.
So, I hope you come prepared.
That place will be ‘Hebun’.
I made it the best performance of my life.

image text translation

Banner Pumteu is so scary, Deud E
My Instagram is getting worse. Why do they have no sense of aesthetics?
Isn’t there one?


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