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President Kim Dae-jung was wary of Japan’s rightward shift 13 years ago.


image text translation

Me too {Lee 4 My Country
We overcame dictatorship 3 times in our rice fields.
My Face 4th Nation
Syngman Rhee, Jeonghoe Park, Doo-hwan Chun
Abando’s A{ri 4th country
And in the end, our rice field stands on the foundation of democracy.
Ajindo’s If you look at Japan recently, Japan is turning sharply to the right.
Geobangdo’s Ahri 4th country
That’s because Japanese people don’t take democracy into their own hands.
Me in reading room {4 domestic countries
After the war, we were in a militaristic framework.
Eoado’s &{National Bureau 4
After suddenly surrendering
C Taste TOISI Monster I
Nabangdo’s $sim{ri 4th country
When I asked for a democratic framework, I said it was called democracy.
Eobangdo’s Na{ri 4th National Bureau
So Japan has no democratic power.
Najodo’s 0{ri 4 country
So, the power of the past militaristic era has been revived.

image text translation

Navaldo’s ({ 4 Domestic
Caused a war and increased the war crime rate’
C taste:umria
Eosado’s 0{ri 4 domestic affairs
I don’t watch Kookmin Hanteo Education.
Navado’s 4th country
So the people
Aado’s Nasikri 4 Major Soup
Nowadays, people in their 50s and 60s have no idea what the past was like.
C Changchinlumaraia
Dakbabdo’s A{ri 4-na soup
So, we will occupy the Korean peninsula and help the Korean people.
4{ 4nae3
Everything about the Nanjing Massacre in China is a lie.
Ui4po{4 countries’
Our rice fields will have a war in Greater East Asia this year.
Liberate the people of Ashiya from Western colonies.
CFl gr @uGrIaa
Old Baldo’s ‘Zari 4 Naeguk’
It’s not just a problem now, it’s a bigger problem in the future.
C fur r mggu F year
Nanae Island’s
tSikri 4 Domestic
Therefore, in the future, Korea and China

image text translation

CTRleB Gogg Ejeotcupnyeon
There will be conflicts with countries in Southeast Asia.
C taste:l gr og5uFBa
tSikjin 4 Domestic
Democracy is not under attack
rRFIVB vs ogg EJ input
I really feel it when I see Japan.
rmFJVB rugg l3 yangnyeon
Navaldo’s ‘Food and the Four Great Powers’
After Britain became an industrial power, the Chinese pine tree was created.
C mother l nougraga
Eonaedo’s +Sikri 4 Powerhouses
Because middle class people demand that kind of rate.
Cfur mtgriria
Babando’s &Zari 4 Domestic
British aristocrats take it easy
Cmul ar m6G rIm a
A man’s dog
8 leagues and 4 major countries
In France, the nobles did not listen
[Water Tl erobs rPay a
Nabang-do’s pregnancy and the 4th country
Approximately 100 people rose up and were all killed.
CmTFli Gogg Eli Cup Bitch
Naikdo + Expression 4 Domestic
This goes anywhere
rRFlVBrogs n]Yipnyeon
4 Naedo’s
So there is nothing empty about democracy.

image text translation

Ambapdo’s 8 meals and 4 major soups
Having to shed blood, sweat and tears
C mode:l rnss input
Rajindo’s ‘Sim and the Four Great Powers’
And finally, we have to make the people agree.
A) Tao’s + food and the four major countries
If you do that, democracy will succeed.
C fur rurg e rm apda
Aakdoi + Lee 4 countries
Being able to plant your roots without wavering
Ambapdo’s Asik and the Four Great Powers
Otherwise, if democracy is created by foreign forces or by chance,
Navido’s Fish and Fruits 4th Country
That kind of thing doesn’t last long


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