image text translation
#pencil) Do-
#bTt3hJEWow, so much better
돕u니@DZE O-knock CD
KeyLT station 5tJE, Hatda
-aI hate (K33W3
#5 letters – J bow
Key T Forest 5h Swab*Sedda
(Boom Country oU:CyrsAne
M letter)-J bone
Car LT35h humidifier
(OnxCheongy) EKtito-T<3 Sort:?
CsNtbnagth LlPJCT:
[Domujinse `
Merchant: Japanese fanzines sell well every day because the content is quite extreme.
image text translation
Reporter: If I sell My Run Girl (Doujinshi), what is the full price?
Merchant: Because they want Meagher too; If you sell the 3rd volume, everyone will shut up.