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‘You Quiz’ weather caster Oyoanna sadly passed away last September… Age 28


image text translation

[Exclusive] ‘Yuris’ meteorologist Oh Yo-an
Me, sadly passed away last September:. Year of death
28 years old
Entered 2024.12.10. 244 pm
Original text of article
Reporter Choi Jeong-ah
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“You’ve done Mable’s dormitory in the past.”
Oyoanna, aka ‘Yuriz’, a weather freak, has died.
The fact that this is happening is known to me later. Age 28.
According to the broadcasting industry, the deceased passed away last September.
all. Yoo Joo-eun, in sorrow, quietly leaves the deceased.
lay off. The exact cause of death is unknown.
The deceased passed the MBC Meteorological Tester public recruitment and passed the weekday and
I took charge of the weekend news and weather section and made everyone aware of my face.
2022 tvN
MBC TV show ‘You Ears on the Fire’
He has the expertise and practical skills to appear as a meteorologist.
Be recognized for your strength.

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After appearing on the show, Oyo Anna posted a photo on her Instagram account.
“I can introduce the profession of a cheerful star,” he said.
“Recording the very, very glorious moment”
Seo “It’s a more precious memory because I’m lacking. Production
I was really thankful to those who lost and the seniors. more frugally
I study hard and do my best. next year
Please take good care of me too.” Leave a comment about your appearance with your eyes.
I also did it.
The deceased’s Instagram account was posted on September 72nd.
?all. Fans were “surprised and worried by the news of the facial injury”
all. I hope you make a sufficient recovery”, “I hope you are doing well.
father? It’s been a really long time since you’ve been receiving treatment.
Hey, Gaster, he’s not in the forecast again.
I don’t know much about Hwangul, so I’m leaving a comment like this.
I see you”, “I miss you so much Anna, who is always pretty and cool.
“Do you want to quit being a weathercaster? I can’t see you these days
This person stopped his activities with comments asking for help, such as “Please stand.”
Yu is showing curiosity.
One industry insider said
‘There are no rain bottles around Chuseok.
He was a friend with a challenging and energetic personality. weather gas
“I feel sorry even among my colleagues.”
He said, “A person with such a promising future that he appeared on You Quiz.
Jaeda: Among her acquaintances, Joanna was considered heavenly.
There are people who don’t know they have become stars. deceased’s rain
sidewalk; This reality is also truly sad. refrain from
“May the soul rest in peace,” it says:
Meanwhile, the deceased was selected for JYP’s 13th open recruitment in 2017.
Seo Hermoso Butisangul wins and prepares to become an idol
Also: Afterwards, the 89th Chunhyang Festival Chunhyang Contingent Team
He attracts attention for his elegant appearance, including being selected as a queen at a meeting.
There is no end to this: After passing the weather test, the term is ‘930’
MBC News, ’12 MBC News framework with viewers

May the deceased rest in peace.

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