image text translation
Emotional temperature response distribution in five countries around the Korean Peninsula
Cold water
[Mau Negative Uigan Negative
Moderately positive Very positive
(5 doe)
(It’s like that
(5 to 49 degrees)
(51-75 degrees) (over 6 degrees)
United States (USA)
BukhwaN Korea)
Jinmun: In addition to the surrounding countries of the Korean Peninsula, please indicate the emotions you usually feel between 0 and 100 degrees (degrees indicate cold and negative feelings of treatment, and 100 degrees indicate feelings of anger).
It means hot and positive emotions. 50 degrees means neither negative nor positive. Cancer means emotions.
OnasaoofOto 100,pleasoindicato howyoufoclaboutyourcountrys noihbors on tho Korean Poninsuh O means verycold;
nogativo omobons and iOO means veryhot posfivo omotons 5Odogrouos means foolings that aro noithor nogatvo nor positive.
Advice period; 2024 10.11 – 14
Number of respondents:
Around 0DO
Korea Research Periodic Survey Public opinion in public opinion hrcopinion cok)
As of October 2024, among the five major countries, the favorable rating for the United States is the highest and the favorable rating for North Korea is the lowest.
1 won in 2024
Volume 4, 2024
7 won in 2024
Volume 10, 2024
(Danui: Tao)
583 59.1 57.357.1
39.5 40.4 39.638.9
24 27.6 25.725.2
27.9 280 27427.3
28.7 262 25.9 25.8
United StatesUSA
North Sea (Korea)
Question: Many people are feeling angry about the countries surrounding the Korean peninsula. Please indicate your emotions between 0 and 100, with 0 being cold and negative and 100 being bitter.
It means hot and positive emotions. 5O means neither negative nor positive. Cancer means emotions.
OnascaloofOto 100,pleasoindicato howyoufool aboutyourcountysneoihborson tho Korean Paninsula O means verycold
negativo emotons and1OO medns veryhoL positvo emotions 5Odogreos medns feelings that are neithar negativo nor positive,
Sosa period; 2024.1.5- 8//2024.4. 5-8/12024.7.12 – 15//2024.10. 11 – 14
Number of respondents: 1,000 per city
Korea Research Regular Survey Public opinion in public opinion hrcopinion cok)
(Summary: -)
United States (USA) 57.1
Japan), 38.9
China) 27.3
ORussia), 25.8
North Sea (Korea) 25.2
1 won
7 won
1 won
7 won
1 won 7 won
1 won
7 won
1 won
7 won
1 won
7 won
1 won
7 won
Jinmun: Please indicate your usual feelings toward the countries surrounding the Korean Peninsula as 0 degrees to 100 degrees.
It means hot and positive emotions. 50 degrees means emotions that are neither negative nor positive.
OnascaloofOto 100,ploasoindicatohowyoufocl aboutypurcountrys noighbors on tho Korpan Peninsula Omeans very cold
negative erotons and 1OO means very ho_ positive ernotions 5D degrees means feelingstat ara nether negative nor positive,
Number of respondents: 1,000 each in Joshiville
Korea Research Periodic Survey Public opinion in public opinion hrcopinion cok)