Electric eel.
The name is Eel, but it is not a member of the Eel order. It is of the order Gymnotus.
You may be wondering how on earth an eel this size can produce a lethal amount of electric current.
(He even folds his body into a U shape and lets the current flow to its maximum)
You can tell by looking at his body structure.
Almost all of this guy’s body is an electrical generating organ that sends out signals,It is a strange structure in which most of the major organs are concentrated at the front of the body.
Why is it structured like this…
These guys are not immune to electricity.
It is safe to some extent because the organ is surrounded by a layer of fat and only emits electricity for a very short period of time, but it is not immune.
So, all the organs of the body are put to one side to protect them.In addition, by maintaining an appropriate posture, you can control the current flow to the upper body.
Of course, if you make a mistake, you can just increase the electromagnetic force and electrocute yourself.