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Ukrainian commander unaware of North Korean military structure


Azov, the Chief of Staff, is making a fuss, saying that since 10,000 North Korean special forces have been dispatched and the strongest combat power has come to Korea, it is an opportunity to unify Korea.

But the special forces of the 11th Corps are nothing more than light infantry units.

These guards command bastards are at the peak of North Korean military combat power. What kind of nonsense is this?

Looking at the structure, the Guard Command is organized separately from the General Staff Department, which plays the role of the Ministry of Defense.

Since their role is to prevent a coup and defend Pyongyang, they are the ones who are given the latest equipment by North Korean military standards.

Experts say that even if North Korea staged a coup and formed an anti-Pyongyang coalition with other army troops and advanced to Pyongyang, the guard command could kill them all.

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