image text translation
(1)Juju Kim
(2)2024-05-14 14.37.28
(4)A long time ago, before we got married, when my wife came out wearing white pants, my peppers exploded like this.
(5)I honestly said I was going to die and went to work as a model and went to bed.
(6)Come and have a date.
(7)That fashion is dangerous
(8)Above recommended
(12)wolf looking at the moon
(13)2024-05-14 14.52.42
(14)Heoi Guya Myeong
(15)Above recommended
(17)Sans suspended from school
(18)2024-05-14 21;54.35
(19)11 0
(20)This bastard, I’m going to go on a date with Jinon, Bonga Bunga, and we’ll do it.
(21)Ren says it’s dangerous ^1
image text translation
image text translation