image text translation
(1)loop la*/ more! Ah+`ra, 3-`Ma9 0na,, seo-`peok-eona, {ah, hagiak -la+.
(2)1 La-|Zuneo Rupla, Ge^! Return >La 5 La|9 +Lup Good Value 35 Crab Rup La Angra 5 La+
(3)La Rupgi
(5)Tao|Matthew 9 B5 Ah* +Lub 7-5; +Second Concert” Myung Kia*.
(6)+Rupkisan 9`'”‘Araconhorn
(7)Oeoakan+Rup79 – Gari, Eoak +Rupraak $0 35, Ah 6reut*Eung.7 +Driftwood<
(8)64+ 3+ +Rubzen Aura Full Ching +;<. Akra`. +loop~< seo/ laha; Dam devil.uh
(9)+Lupra< +00. Zara+ dam3geo;+'"' puk8 laha;seo, ,ah, +rupla< +0 la-` me-
(10){ah* 3,!+`7 mouth
(11)Marching.uh {Chingaful na-‘ 99
(13)5 Uh,
(14)+Lup Chingkon
I heard my mother ask her neighbor if she could give her some salt.
I asked my mom why she comforted me when there was salt in my house. mother
‘The house next door is having a difficult time and they ask to borrow a lot of things from my house.
If I borrow small things from my neighbor in advance, they will be given to us later.
He answered, ‘Because I can feel less pressure when I ask for something.’