image text translation
(1)”‘Lee Seol-ae42) theory-7 theory?
(3)7./0 “4[-4
(4)3 colors 64-:
(6)”0chae7geo this7
(7)1 !(
(8)Damn it
(10) color
(14)When I first went to Cannes (Film Festival)
(15): This is the first question everyone asks.
(20)7 gr/0 14 permut 4
(24)1; | ()
(26) 0
(30)“Are you Japanese?
(31)Are you Korean?”
(32))Special Bass Hashum Miss [Sashimi Water] Chosi {Family Iron Miss
(34)7 tons/0 B4-4
(37)“Oh, oh, oh, 17
(38)Ah1 !(
(41) poem 5
(42)0/evil 0
(46)This is really inconvenient
(47)A ]788
Are you Korean to the Chinese? Japanese?
To a Japanese person, are you Korean? chinese?
To Koreans, are you Chinese? Japanese?
Actually, this is a common question in Asia.