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40-Year-Old Dragged and Sexually Assaulted Middle School Student at Elementary School


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(1)Middle school student who kidnapped and sexually assaulted a woman in her 40s in Nonsan…”Settled by selling her parents’ house” 3 years in prison
(2)Jongseo Kim, reporter. May 14, 2024. 5. 14. 14:33
(3)2nd Circuit “Consideration of Settlement Efforts”…Longer Term 10 Years, 7 Years
(4)Daejeon District CourtDaejeon High Court
(5)Daejeon Regional High Court. /news1

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(1)(Daejeon=News1) By Jongseo Kim = A teenager who kidnapped a woman in her 40s as she was returning home, took her to an elementary school, sexually assaulted her and made off with cash has had his sentence reduced on appeal.
(2)The Daejeon High Court’s 3rd Criminal Division (Presiding Judge Kim Byung-sik) sentenced A-gun (16), who was charged with robbery, robbery, and attempted robbery, to 10 years of long-term imprisonment and 5 years of short-term imprisonment on Thursday.

3-year sentence for selling parents’ house to report settlement

How parents feel

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