image text translation
(1)20 senses
(2)Excellent channel of production billion won
(3)a black Buddhist monk
(4)Sponsor Sid Nakamura Smirre Joins the Grand Conference! <11 games of the final round of the 5th Sofalcosanol Best Knight's Decision vs. Kim Jung-hyun at 1 p.m. on the 27th Tues. Live
(1)4259 Countries Share Hao 7 wins vs Shin Jin-seo 433Rimage text translation
(2)431 10 countries Shin Jin-seo 1 win vs. Iyama Utah 432 11 countries Shin Jin-seo 2 wins vs. Jiao Chunwi 433 12 countries Shin Jin-seo 3 wins vs. Ke Jie 434 13 countries Shin Jin-seo 4 wins vs. Dinghao 435 14 countries Shin Jin-seo 5 wins vs. Gu Zhihao
A Japanese engineer and
We caught all five Chinese knights
Shin Jin-seo, who has set a crazy record of 6 consecutive wins and leads Korea to the championship