image text translation
(1)sudden symptoms of hearing loss
(2)The symptoms of sudden hearing loss that I experienced were
(1)have a tinnitusimage text translation
(1)2 I can’t hear well or feel blockedimage text translation
(1)I’m deaf as if I were on an airplaneimage text translation
(1)4 It feels like it’s underwater and it’s clogged or there’s water coming outimage text translation
(1)If you have any of these symptomsimage text translation
(1)You should go to the ER or the otolaryngologist immediately!image text translation
(1)It’s an emergency disease that requires immediate treatment and treatmentimage text translation
(1)After hearing loss, there’s practically no way to treat itimage text translation
(1)So 130,000 people who have hearing lossimage text translation
(1)recover one’s hearingimage text translation
(1)The other 13 eventually lost their hearingimage text translation
(1)The other 13image text translation
(1)At first, he’s getting his hearing backimage text translation
(1)Over time, hearing loss is repeatedimage text translation
(1)I’m showing symptoms of hearing loss over timeimage text translation
This guy had sudden hearing loss over the years, and each time he was treated, his hearing recovered
Last time he came, he didn’t recover and was eventually diagnosed with hearing impairment
That’s why if you have sudden hearing loss, you should not be relieved that you will recover from emergency treatment and make a long-term recovery plan