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(1)Korean History Instructor Criticizes the War for the Foundation of Korea
(2)He is a historian who has no knowledge of…a direct hit
(3)Financial News 202402200441
(4)Summary with AI Chat
(5)I didn’t teach at school
(6)The Foundation of the Republic of Korea and Syngman Rhee’s Public History
(7)That’s why you’re so angry
(8)Amid widespread controversy over the film’s founding war, which sheds light on the life and achievements of former President Syngman Rhee of Financial News, Jeon Han-gil 52, a public official instructor in Korean history, insisted that “view and evaluation are free, so we must see and judge each other.” In particular, he pointed out that some historical experts criticizing the founding war were “knowless.”
(1)The War of the Foundation, which was posted on Jeon’s official YouTube channel on the 18thimage text translation
(2)According to a video titled former President Syngman Rhee’s merit, he said, “Whether you watch it or not, it’s my freedom, and the evaluation after seeing it is my freedom,” and added, “It’s weird that people don’t watch it.”
(3)Jeon, who said he watched the movie, said, “There is nothing new, but we learn everything from the book,” adding, “Like a movie lawyer who dealt with former President Roh Moo Hyun, the movie deals with good things rather than dark history.” So, of course, the founding war deals with the best achievements of former President Lee.”
If the killer ever saved someone
It’s a story that you can shine a light as a person of righteousness
If the doctor who raped the patient is well-versed
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