image text translation
(1)Crying dentistry
(2)a child-sized vehicle councillor
(3)I moved my residence to Pyeongtaek for a while
(4)It’s a bit hectic because of the move
(5)In the midst of this, I can’t believe I’m the number one person who should eat first
(6)a taste of 41-year-old tradition
(7)Ssangyong Motor’s Ssangsang Bae maintains support for commercial companies
(8)Today’s destination is a closed chicken restaurant
(9)I came to eat the famous chicken dish of Pyeongtaek
(10)When I hear the name, I wonder if people eat it
(11)It’s a normal food that you can eat
(12)for practical use
(13)a broiled egg for broiler meat
(14)a male female
(15)Just a little bit
(16)I need to know what’s a closed system
(17)The chicken we grow for food is very big
(18)Broiler and egg chickens are divided into meat and egg chickens
(19)Spawning chickens, or eggs, are
(20)Since it’s not for eating meat
(21)I can’t use chicken and throw it away
(22)What should I eat today
(23)Today’s New World with Chewy Taste, Aldam
(24)egg-laying chicken
(25)hens grown for more than two years
(26)If you don’t know what to do with it
(27)It’s just like burria
(28)It’s called “Lunggye Chicken”
(29)It’s a rooster, so I’m going to eat it with my gut
(30)It’s characterized by yolk and eggs
(31)Since it’s a meaty meat with strong chicken flavor and elasticity for a long time
(32)He’s a good horse. He’s rich in elasticity
(33)It’s a sweet chicken
(34)They say boiled noodles look like tarpaulin. Hammu
(35)Ssangyong’s abandoned chicken
(36)This happy packaging quick delivery Pyeongtaek headquarters Te
(37)41-year-old flavor 652-2646
(38)Military abandoned chicken
(39)I don’t know why Pyeongtaek has chicken in his lungs
(40)There are a lot of stores that specialize in
(41)Maybe there’s a nearby egg farmer
(42)I don’t think it’s in the past
(43)Is it because it’s famous for abandoned chicken
(44)There are a lot of chicken restaurants nearby
(45)Especially, whether it’s fun or not, there’s chicken next to the abandoned restaurant
(46)There was a yakidori restaurant
(47)There are a lot of things that stood out here, too
(48)Finding a best friend
(49)Anyway, the inside of Ssangyong’s abandoned chicken is like this
(50)Ssangyong’s abandoned chicken
(51)5000s 5000 teas 5000kulha 6000 drinks 2000
(53)a flag country
(54)Red pepper powder Chinese kimchi Chinese rice
(55)If you don’t like it, order it
(57)It’s the menu
(58)I heard it’s kind of like chicken stew
(59)It starts at 18000 wonIt’s not pretty
(60)Order box for abandoned chicken
(61)a person who doesn’t like the taste of food
(62)You’re a poet
(63)Please tell me
(64)One thing to note is that if you don’t like it, it’s supposed to be sweet
(65)I asked for sweet things, too. That’s also sweetHIDEOL was a bit swollen
(67)The original version looks like something
(68)The first detail is coming out
(69)It’s impressive that chicken radish comes out, not kimchi
(70)It was at home
(71)Waste chicken element KRW 18,000
(72)First of all, it looks like a sweet chicken stew
(73)the most important thing is
(74)the yolk in the gut
(75)It’s delicious when you take out what’s in your stomach before it’s made The yolk is sweet and spicy, so it goes in better
(76)It tasted like yolkyolk
(1)I have an anus wrinkle-shaped intestinesimage text translation
(2)I asked him what it was, and he said it’s an egg house
(3)It looks like gopchang
(4)It’s perfect even when you look at it in a biological state
(5)I looked it up and found that it wasn’t intestines, but chicken poached eggs
(6)It’s part of my genitalia
(7)If you think of it as pigs, I think it’s cancer pong
(8)a glad-looking poop
(9)Potatoes and onions are the only vegetables
(10)The potatoes are a little undercooked, so it’s crunchy. It’s good to chew
(11)I can’t smell it up to here
(12)It was spicy and sweet. It was delicious
(13)So it’s time to eat the chicken in question
(14)The chicken itself is quite big
(15)The pieces are very finely chopped
(16)Still, the greatness of the wings and necks that cannot be hidden
(17)in the thick crust of the music
(18)It has a strong smell and elasticity
(20)As I said before
(21)It’s not like my baby, who’s used to 10 chicken because he can’t eat it
(22)I can’t believe I’m going to get this abandoned chicken
(23)I’ll be tired of it
(24)If you don’t look at the menu, you can’t find it
(25)I think I know what it means to have an additional restaurant
(26)The law is proven here because it is a long-term store with thick bones
(27)I’m a jobo
(28)I’m just saying that if you cook well, it’s all good
(29)What kind of outcome did you get
(30)There’s a lot of chicken
(31)I just eat the intestines
(32)The meat is just meat
(33)And the last highlight is fried rice
(34)In the remaining seasoning
(35)Kimchi and seaweed flakes. It’s like stir-fried chicken with tansu, but it’s oil
(36)It’s delicious
(37)Is it because I’m craving it
(38)40 weight loss
(39)They’re giving me yogurt for the last dessert
(40)Ssangyong’s abandoned chicken
(41)41-year-old flavor 652-2646
(42)Ssangyong Paper Co., Ltd. Last Ssangyong Paper Co., Ltd. Suzy and Co., Ltd
(43)I ate well and had a unique experience, but I couldn’t handle the taste of the abandoned chicken itself
(44)But in the meantime, when I saw the order report for the mall delivery, the people in this neighborhood couldn’t keep up with the chicken-related experience
(46)I guess not. It’s like a barrel
an acquaintance

image text translation
(1)Anasin is also coming. 01-31 165109070
(2)Best one
(3)I went there not long after the manager of the hospital I know, across from Pyeongtaek Police Station, came out to the delicious restaurant to treat us to dinner at our office. I remember coming to the house where I didn’t smell bad since I drank soju and beer
(4)Recommendation reply
(5)Sweet and Sour Pork Large Bowl 2024-01-31 1721521690
(6)As expected, you just have to catch the smell with soju
(7)Day of playing and eating unemployed 2024-01311091904
(8)When I was living in the countryside, a truck selling abandoned chicken went around the neighborhood for only 3 won, so I learned how to kill the chicken painlessly at once. Anyway, if you buy the chicken without killing it and release it in the yard, the fur that was dry within a few days will become glossy and start to lay eggs. Move 1