image text translation
(1)Hanbley #2 Animal Farm on the road
(2)Han Moon-cheol’s Black Box Review
(3)a reunion of actors
(4)1030 tonight
(5)No way. The best ever
(6)Hanbley #2 Debate on the Road
(7)A review of the black box of Han Moon-cheol
(8)※It can be a little shocking, so please be careful when watching ※
image text translation
(1)Hanbley #2 Animal Farm on the road
(2)Watch out for someone’s anger! a broadcast of a book that is dragged with a hanging head
(3)Hanbley #2 Animal Farm on the road
(4)Fury alert! Dog is being dragged by hanging
(5)Shocked by the best video ever
(6)Hanvely #2 Do-ro Animal Farm
(7)Watch out for someone’s anger! The main show is being dragged by hanging
(8)Let’s listen to the situation at that time
(9)Watch out for someone’s anger! being dragged away by hanging off one’s neck
(10)Why is the informant
(11)Was he screaming and chasing after him
(12)a publication of someone’s anger that is dragged by the neck
(13)There was a farm in Palgongsan, so I was on my way up
(14)by the way
(15)a dog dragging behind a motorcycle
(16)a dog being dragged by the neck of a rage
(17)I’m already very tired and my feet are dragging!
(18)Hanvely #2 Do-ro We Animal Farm
(19)Watch out for anger! a dog being dragged away by hanging it
(20)Get out of the car
(21)I parked my dog motorcycle
(22)- a white bubble in one’s mouth
(23)an informant
(24)If I take him like this
(25)I’m going to call the police!!
(26)·Anvely #2 Animal Farm on the road
(27)a four-wheeled motorcyclist
(28)Who are you? Get out of my way
(29)An angry dog being dragged by hanging
(30)He gave me soup to take me if I’m going to meddle in!
(31)Hanbulli #2 Animal Farm on the road
(32)I just put my hand out
(33)You’re being dragged by the neck of a rage
(34)He pretended to give me a leash and snatched it
(35)Hanbley #2 Dynamic Field on the Road
(36)Tie the dog to the floor on a four-wheeled motorcycle and start
(37)Watch out for anger! He’s being dragged by hanging himself
(38)a reunion of actors
(39)So the informant who was chasing after me and honking his horn
(40)Watch out for anger! being dragged away by hanging off one’s neck
(41)It doesn’t seem like a man’s action
(42)Watch out for someone’s anger! a dog being dragged away by hanging it
(43)with a dog hanging on one’s back
(44)at a speed of about 50 kmh
(45)\500 m of zilotova
(46)a dog being dragged by the neck of a person’s wrath
(47)to grow
(48)the survival of an actor
(49)the throngs of people crowded with the sound of car horns
(50)1030 tonight
(51)a fodder motorcycle that has stopped surrounded by people
(52)at the end of the day
(53)After that day, the fate of the perpetrator and the dog
(54)dragged along
(55)The dog’s hind legs are covered in blood
(56)Since that day, the fate of the perpetrator and the dog
(57)Did he eventually run away as an art student
(58)The fate of the perpetrator and the dog since that day
(59)I got a call from the prosecutor’s office a few days ago
(60)under the current criminal prosecution of animal abuse
(61)Sent status
(62)an animal abuser who was eventually brought to justice
(63)The level of punishment is
(64)Hanbley #2 Animal Farm on the Road
(65)If 97 shells of the Animal Protection Act are alive, imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine of not more than 20 million won
(66)I wonder how they are now
(67)Fortunately, they were rescued safely!
(68)The informant adopted and raised it!