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the number of cases that have increased since COVID-19


image text translation

(1)He’s doing his own thing
(2)I believe in my own power
(3)a recent announcement about an appearance at a university
(4)Source Online Community
(5)Sbs News
(6)Do your own thing!
(7)Please ask questions about the bachelor’s degree yourself, not the parents!
(8)a meeting of one’s own
(9)Ryan with a microphone
(10)Professor, the first parking in December
(11)It’s not exam period, so I can’t imagine taking the exam on December 3rd. I have an appointment in advance. I really don’t think I can do it on the 3rd. If you make the exam period the next week
(12)No, not even in the class plan
(13)The final exam is in the 15th week
(14)It’s done. Professor, please
(15)1104 in the morning
(16)I’m inquiring about postponing the exam due to personal reasons
(17)It’s not exam period, so I can’t imagine taking the exam on December 3rd. I have an appointment in advance. I really don’t think I can do it on the 3rd. Can you set the exam period to the next week In the class plan
(18)In the group chat room
(19)This is MZ
(20)I’m really dizzy
(21)I can’t even imagine returning it
(22)Professor Songbuk
(23)I regret the soccer election
(24)The college student community asked if this is an MZ
(25)It’s not the exam period, so the exam is on December 3rd
(26)I didn’t expect to see you. I made a pre-arranged appointment
(27)I do. I don’t think I can do it on the 3rd, but if you make the exam next week
(28)It’s done. Professor, please 1104 in the morning
(29)It’s a hot topic
(30)I don’t know if these students really exist
(31)Source GIPHY
(32)I believe in my own power
(33)Do you know?
(34)1100 a.m
(35)Is this for real
(36)1101 a.m
(37)Hello, everyone
(38)It’s totally real
(39)Inquiries about academic affairs should be made by yourself, not by parents!
(40)I believe in my own strength
(41)I asked professors and university assistants
(42)a second-year sloth instructor
(43)Most students are about 80 years old
(44)He called me
(45)My parents said in an angry voice
(46)I think they’re asking the right questions
(47)There were penalty points left in the dorm during the first semester
(48)Don’t you think we should take care of students at the school level
(49)a parent college student
(50)It’s my first time in college
(51)The degree is A
(52)I fell out of the dorm during the 2nd semester
(53)Data screen
(54)My mom called me
(55)1 An anonymous first-year assistant
(56)I said, “I got an F”
(57)an anonymous first-year assistant
(58)You’ve been absent more than four times
(59)Just 1 degree
(60)There’s an F
(61)Source SBS. We can’t stop them
(62)My kid just got his report card
(63)Source SBS We can’t stop them
(64)I take you to school every morning
(65)Source SBS. We can’t stop them
(66)Even if a student asks you in person
(67)My child is not such a person
(68)It allows me to participate in the class
(69)There are some situations where it’s hard to answer
(70)Which professor’s class
(71)What’s your student number
(72)What is your name.When is the class
(74)We have to ask all these questions
(75)It’s not a sentence
(76)355pm What do you mean lol Sbs News
(77)355 p.m. Goodbye. Open the door
(78)Everyone, I came in and went to the hospital
(80)He’s here. Some friends just stop
(81)I don’t
(82)356 p.m
(83)Bye, everyone. NoThis person
(85)What do you mean lol
(86)355 p.m
(87)The characteristic of the students’ absurd inquiry is that
(88)When students call me
(89)Oh, that’s right
(90)That’s enough
(91)You don’t need to know that
(92)Can you tell me your name and student number
(93)Do you have any
(95)I was like, “Oh my gosh”
(96)1 Anonymous 1st year assistant
(97)Because of my personal schedule
(98)You even said you didn’t like his answer
(99)He cursed and hung up on me
(100)I couldn’t take school classes
(102)Like this part
(103)I’ll acknowledge your attendance
(104)I can’t get it
(105)an anonymous first-year assistant
(106)That’s what I said
(107)The professor said that the young behavior of the students
(108)calm music
(109)I don’t think I’ll get good grades because of this assistant I posted it
(110)Do you know 5
(111)I’ll listen loudly to the people, not the sound
(113)He mentioned his real name in the Kookmin Newspaper
(114)I think it’s been more prominent since the pandemic
(115)Kim Sung-moon, Professor of Korean Language and Literature at Chung-Ang University
(116)But actually, the current college students
(117)The academic doctor is not the parent company, but the person himselfAn undergraduate Mori-ae, who asks the university for academic management only after studying the current state of this university
(119)This is literally newsworthy
(120)But it’s still a very small amount of work
(121)It’s a very important time in high school
(122)A degree
(123)It’s called the COVID-19 pandemic
(124)These are probably relationships with people
(125)I’m not good at trial and error
(126)It’s something I should have done in high school
(127)or about having a relationship
(128)There are things I have to do in college

There was a case like that before

It’s increased a lot since the pandemic

Cheer up if you have friends in teaching or service

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