image text translation
(1)eye and nose reoperation
(2)Facial liposuction thread lifting
(3)Hello, I’m Smiling from Bbuya
(4)Today’s star
(5)Since I was young, I was teased by Anpanman’s garlic nose
(6)My husband also cheered me on, telling me to do everything I could in my life
(7)It’s said that he’s decided on his brother
(8)facial liposuction
(9)In addition to the eyes and nose, liposuction and lifting are said to be a lot
(10)But if you need it, it’s a top
(11)Log facial liposuction thread lifting
(12)Narrow down the nose and nose
(13)- an autologous rib bone
(14)Next, the tip of the nose is the self-cavity rib
(17)- Cheek fat under my chin
(18)Liposuction, too! I decided to get rid of my chin and cheeks
(19)a rough estimate of surgery
(20)Day 1 of log surgery
(21)Take care of your swelling
(22)What’s the result
(23)A month after the log surgery
(24)I did liposuction and lifting on my eyes and nose
(25)It’s been a month since the surgery
(26)More than before the surgery
(27)an unhappy neckline and disappearing facial merchandise
(28)a very different face
(29)QnA Eye and nose reoperation
(30)Japanese plastic surgery 4 months old QA
(31)Please enter your content
(32)4th month QA TIME
(33)4th month