image text translation
(1)I can’t wait to live in Godborn
(2)Writer, yes. 105 views. 0 comments
(3)Conceptual text Search for Gallery Gallery Recently visited Gallery Related Gallery Gallery Address Copy
(4)Title: I can’t wait to escape Heljosen
(5)The writer of the 338th inquiry
(6)Google Advertising –
(7)I want to escape from Hell Joseon and live in Gatbon
(8)Writer vaf views 61 comments 3
(9)Japan, a free and prosperous country
(10)Ilppong people who want to live in Japan instead of the dirty Josen Peninsula
(11)We need to be close!
(12)Don’t come back. Don’t look here
(13)Don’t go back, don’t go back, don’t come back, you ugly
(14)The flow was as expected
(15)I’m a Japanese, but I’m a poor man
(16)Don’t come back because it’s your fault that the Japanese side is right for you
(17)Go back and die
(18)There’s no better country than Korea
(19)Live well in Korea
(20)> 14 years of living in Japan
(21)Why are you living so long
(22)Hurry up and go back
(23)The home country welcomes you as if you stepped on a surprise poop LOL
(Singing “Illppong”)
I think it would be different if I go to Japan