image text translation
(1)The ministerial candidate has taken out a collective loan
(2)a candidate for the State Council
(1)I’m going to limit my ageimage text translation
(2)a candidate for the State Council
(1)Even avoiding regulationsimage text translation
(2)a candidate for the State Council
(1)A reconstructed apartment in Gangnamimage text translation
(1)We entered smoothlyimage text translation
image text translation
(1)As a resultimage text translation
(1)5 studio apart from the living roomimage text translation
(2)a candidate for the State Council
(1)They’re renting a multi-family apartmentimage text translation
(2)a candidate for the State Council
image text translation
(1)As a result of youimage text translation
(1)It’s true, not consequently!image text translation
(2)a candidate for the State Council
(1)a candidate for the State Councilimage text translation
(1)My oldest daughter is in a big companyimage text translation
(1)I’ve been there for about 5 yearsimage text translation
(1)There was a lot of incomeimage text translation
(1)Even in the case of my younger daughterimage text translation
(1)Because I’m workingimage text translation
(1)I have a profit in my own wayimage text translation
(1)Because there are 5 housesimage text translation
(2)a candidate for the State Council
(1)To be honest, to my husbandimage text translation
(2)a candidate for the State Council
(1)I said a lot of upsetting thingsimage text translation
(2)a candidate for the State Council
(1)I don’t understand either, just as you don’t understand!image text translation
(1)a candidate for the State Councilimage text translation
#45784; #50780; #51665; #50668;#47084;#52292;#51076;
#45784; #50780; #48512;#51088;#51076;