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Don’t heat the hoppang in the air fryer


image text translation

(1)Don’t pass the title to the hoppang air fryer
(2)View count 7471
(3)Date of writing 2019-11-2090,000
(4)They sell hoppang at the mart, so I bought it
(5)It’s annoying to steam. It’s not good if you microwave it
(6)I don’t like putting it in the rice cooker because it’s covered with rice
(7)So I put it in the air dryer Apply oil spray on the surface
(8)It’s a bit crispy on the outside and moist on the inside
(9)I ate two pizza hoppang and two red bean hoppang in that seat. Hell
(10)I removed the paper on the bottom of the hoppang before putting it in the extra air fryer I was worried that the paper might burn, but it doesn’t come off when it’s cold. So I even ate the paper
(11)I put in four 160 degrees for 10 minutes as the instructions say, but the top part is slightly brown. But I always warm up before using the air dryerI’m a woman who can cook the food that I use after turning it at a set temperature of 180 minutes in advance
(12)We’re going to heat it up after it’s cooked. You can just heat it up Everyone, be a pig I’m the only one who feels wronged
(13)I came in thinking if it’s going to explode. My son is a hobbang killer, so I shouldn’t do that~~~
(14)If you don’t want to eat and die together, why are you writing this!!!!!
(15)I thought I burst out laughing when I came in
(16)● M, M, M, M
(17)I knew it
(19)If you don’t want to eat and die together, why do you write this!!!!
(20)I shouldn’t have watched it
(21)Oh my! I guess hoppang doesn’t work LOL
(22)Oh no. I already saw it
(23)Hoppang, it’s only a matter of time

image text translation


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