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If you keep a paper dog, it reduces the risk of dementia by 40, so cats don’t have much effect


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(1)International Japan’s Low Birth Rate and Aging
(2)If you open your thesis in Japan, the risk of dementia will be reduced by 40…High
(3)Yang doesn’t have much effect
(4)JoongAng Ilbo Input 20231231 1503 Update 20231231 1652
(5)Reporter Lee Younghee, subscription
(6)Research shows that older people with dogs have a 40 lower risk of developing dementia than those who do not
(7)The results came out. It is analyzed that walking with dogs or social interactions with other dog owners help curb the onset of dementia

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(1)According to NHK on the 31st, the Tokyo Health and Longevity Medical Center in Japan is located in Tokyo
(2)11,194 men and women over the age of 65 were followed up for four years from 2016 to study the link between animal breeding and dementia
(3)As a result, if the probability of developing dementia among the elderly who do not have dogs or cats was assumed to be 1, the incidence of developing dementia was found to be 06. They said that the probability of developing dementia was 40 times lower On the other hand, there was no significant difference in raising cats at 098 from those who did not
(4)In the case of elderly diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes other than dementia, the researchers explained that there was no significant correlation between the presence of companion animals and the onset of disease These findings were published in the international scientific journal Preventive Medicine Reports last October

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Maybe it’s because I have to take a walk when I have a dog

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