image text translation
(1)high density fine dust
(2)Emergency reduction measures
(3)ultrafine dust
(4)temporary bad
(5)very bad in the morning
(6)ultrafine dust warning
(7)As soon as the cold wave is released, people ride a gentle westerly wind and contaminate foreign countries such as China
(8)a large influx of material
(9)On the 28th, emergency reduction measures in the Seoul metropolitan area were implemented for the first time this winter
(10)Recommend wearing a KF80 or higher health mask
(11)What is emergency reduction measures
(12)- High-concentration fine dust PM-25 in Seoul
(13)If it persists, fine dust will be removed in a short period of time for citizens’ health
(14)It refers to measures to reduce air pollutants at automobile factory construction sites to reduce them