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20 years ago receipt cJPG


image text translation

(1)Ice cream
(2)Hamdo 825G
(3)Spam 3400
(4)Fresh tuna 120G
(5)Green pepper, South Gyeongsang Province rice
(6)They say it’s 180g
(7)Vita Gimbap Pickled Radish 35
(8)Gaji Jeonnam Gangwon Mi
(9)Korean beef front legs
(10)010426 1741 pos2 Park Jum-sook
(11)Thank you.

image text translation

(1)The receipt was in between books or somewhere, and it was almost like an air contact
(2)I was surprised at the preservation status and bought everything, but I was surprised at the fact that the price was not over 30,000 won in 2001. The value of 30,000 won at that time may be a little different from what it is now, but what is certain is that now is going crazy


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