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(1)It’s not spicy
(2)(Singing “Crying”)!!!
(3)77 flinches
(4)I’m so scared of Ko Haru
(5)I’m sucking up all my energy
(6)It’s like a ghost;;
(7)The chauffeur who always guards the queen can’t make a weak sound in her voice
(8)There’s a lot of energy in it
(9)You’re so cool
(10)You’re weak. ♥
The person who draws things like this

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(1)Reposted by t3 P-kass
(2) stell_a_03 – November 26
(3)What’s really upsetting about this is that even among themselves, they say, “Isn’t this a bit too much?”
(4)They know it’s a million won, but they’re doing that
(5)1,369,000 and 290,000
(1)P-kass Pak_2D_kass 11월 26일image text translation
(2)Since the game exploded, they went to the stage where they denied that they had popped it
(3)You talked so much
(1)P-kass Pak_2D_kass 11월 26일image text translation
(2)Oh, the game shouldn’t explode. Please don’t pick on something weird and stay still
(1)P-kass Pak_2D_kass11월 25일image text translation
(2)Nexon, let’s just move on quietly. Please
I wrote on Twitter that I’m funny because it’s not a big deal

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(1)The person who had that thought, why did you draw a gif
(2)221 p.m
(3)Don’t think about going into the world of painting, but 40 years old
(4)203 p.m
(5)Let’s not see each other again
(6)157 p.m
(7)A new start
(8)How come all of your guys have the same reaction I think you’re going to post a misunderstanding because it’s a mistake in retweeting. Wouldn’t it be more convenient for you to draw a picture that the same people like instead of just drawing uncomfortable pictures
(9)121 p.m
(10)It’s later than the roots. LOL
(11)Don’t think about going into the game industry
(12)114 p.m
(13)I’ve never seen it before on Maple Inven, but I’m disappointed
(14)1005 in the morning
the public’s disappointment

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(1)Author of P-kass
(2)I’m not Femi, I’m Femi’s idea of female supremacy and misogyny
(3)I don’t agree with I’m busy right now, so I’ll post an explanation again in the evening
(4)744 AM Reply
(5)31st Independent
(6)1056 AM Reply
I’m trying to sort it out later, but it’s a long way late
The end of a person who doesn’t even know their own address