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Isn’t it too much to cancel the doctor’s license


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(1)can’t be any one 1500412502
(2)in the middle of a cow
(3)During the production of Daflutupan, a girl who was a joint venture by aggregate disposition and was in the dance, resigned during the joint venture period, and the agreement period by aggregate disposition every month is triggered, and it is harmful to glue. LOW

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(1)1 Attorney
(2)Next to Guests in Islands City
(3)One can’t be a sleeping lawyer 2002041230 317121
(4)the house of the late older brother. He’s not gone
(5)It’s my second time
(6)be a little bit of a grudge
(7)It’s a long period of time during my high school career and I’m in a shop where I only go
(8)2 Certified Public Accountant
(9)Certified Public Accountants Act
(10)□ The purpose of the accounting system is to contribute to the protection of the rights and interests of the people and the sound national economic development of enterprises
(11)Article 2 The law enforcement personnel are the following
(12)a calculator or coffin
(13)3 Second major work
(14)□ Article 3 Those who pass the certified public accountant examination are qualified as accountants
(15)Article 4 There is no singer who reaches the disqualification clause 20013 28 2005 729 2017 4 18
(16)If you receive a missionary work from an older brother than a safe, from that date
(17)You get a suspended sentence of imprisonment or more, and the probation period is not over
(18)4 More than a safe meeting
(19)a person who is not declared bankrupt
(20)6 Not by Korea or by leaking or after cancellation
(21)3 Patent attorney
(22)Reasons for disqualification Article 4 A person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall not become a patent attorney2013 730 2016127>
(23)Those who have been sentenced to experiment with imprisonment or higher and have been sentenced to all charges of imprisonment or higher and are under the grace period
(24)Minja Hanwoo Min or a dog
(25)4 A person who has been declared bankrupt and has not been reinstated
(26)5 A person who falls under any of the following items
(27)A person dismissed or appointed by either party or disciplinary action
(28)(b) A person who has not been moved or suspended for less than two years
(29)(c) A person who has not been registered for less than two years since the registration was revoked due to disciplinary action under this Act
(30)(d) A person who has been expelled under the Lawyers Act for less than two years

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(1)4 Evaluation and evaluation
(2)Article 12 Reasons for disqualification A person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall not be an appraiser Affection 200061 Guardians who are minors or adult guardians
(3)2 Love that has not returned to a love declared bankrupt
(4)It’s not like we’re a group of all the new parties
(5)(iv) A person who has been trusted for not more than one year since the date of the suspension after receiving a meeting of at least one safe
(7)619 A person who has not yet passed since the revocation of his/her qualification as an appraiser
(8)7 Cancellation of qualifications pursuant to Article 39 Date No. 11 and defeat No. 12
(9)5 Tax accountant
(10)The following two delivery persons may have a different career as a deputy About 4000
(11)A person who is under 10 years old or who contains the number of blocks has been violated by a child and has been on the road according to logistics for five years
(12)You know
(13)a person who can count
(14)(vi) A labor attorney
(15)Article 4 Reasons for disqualification in a soft statement
(16)A person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall not become a certified labor attorney (17)1 Minors
(18)2 Adult guardian or limited guardian
(19)(iii) A person who has been declared bankrupt and has not been reinstated
(20)(iv) A public official who has been dismissed due to disciplinary action, and who has not been dismissed for three years
(21)(v) A person who has been sentenced to an experiment of imprisonment or higher and has not been executed or three years since it was confirmed that he/she will not be executed
(22)A person who has been sentenced to six years of probation and not more than two years have passed since the end of the period
(23)(vii) A person who is in the period of suspension of the sentence of imprisonment or more
(24)8 A person who has been permanently revoked pursuant to Article 20

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(1)7 Customs officers
(2)□ Reasons for disqualification Article 5 A person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs cannot become a customs agent Love 2016 32 20171230>
(3)1 Minors
(4)2 Adult guardian or limited guardian
(5)2 A person who has been declared bankrupt and has not been reinstated
(6)(iv) A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment for at least three years from the end of his/her home or the date he/she is exempted from execution
(7)(v) A person who has been sentenced to a suspended sentence of imprisonment or more and has not been more than one year since the end of the period of suspension
(8)592 A person who has received a suspended sentence of imprisonment or more and is in the period of such suspension
(9)(viii) Administrative history
(10)Other Acts Amendment No. 2017725 No.14839 No. 2017726 Ministry of Government Security
(11)Reasons for disqualification under Article 6
(12)A person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall not be an administrator 2016127
(13)1 adult or limited guardian
(14)2 A person who did not believe in the declaration of bankruptcy
(15)(iii) A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment for at least three years and whose execution is deemed to have been completed or the disease has not been completed
(16)(4) A person who has been sentenced to a suspended sentence of imprisonment for two years or less since the end of the abandonment period
(17)a person of level 5 or higher and in the game room
(18)9 Legal history
(19)You cannot be a lawyer under any of the following subparagraphs 2012
(20)1 Adult Guardians or
(21)There is a person who is not the result of the period created beyond the safe
(22)6 As a public official, let’s not use a relay car or lose it
(23)10 licensed real estate agent
(24)Certified Brokerage Act
(25)Partially revised 2016122 1404 City 20161221 Ministry of Transportation
(26)Article 1 Reasons for disqualification for registration
(27)① Any of the following defects cannot be considered as an opening 206364 2011 28 201452
(28)2 persons who have died of gold or
(29)3 A person who has been declared bankrupt and has not been reinstated
(30)It doesn’t include cases where you’re sentenced to more than a safe deposit box
(31)5 I’ll get a safe consultation and I’ll be in that period

Lawyers Certified Public Accountants Patent Appraisal Board Tax accountants Tax accountants, Laboratories, Customs officers, Administrators, and even licensed real estate agents are disqualified if they are sentenced to imprisonment or higher

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