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(1)Abuse of power in the death of a police teacher at Seoi Elementary School
(2)There were no criminal charges against him
(3)Input 20231114 PM 800 Revised 20231114 PM 804 Articles
(4)Reporter Song Jeong-hoon
(5)one street
(6)News Desk
(7)No Parent Allegations…Ends investigation into Seoicho case
(1)The police only acknowledged the limit of not being able to unlock the iPhone password of the dead teacherimage text translation
(2)I asked for forensics to confirm that I used abusive language during the phone call, but the cell phone of the teacher who died failed to analyze and the phone recording was not secured from the parent’s cell phone
I wrote that I couldn’t get it off-duty and didn’t
If spies use iPhones, they’ll end their investigations without charges