image text translation
(1)Why do you have 10 toes on your fingers
(2)If it’s 8 each, you’ll have used the octal system
(3)Then I could have done 8 pullups
(4)If I lived in Babylonia, would I have done 60
(1)Babylonia. Is there something different than what I know? 19th moveimage text translation
(2)Merchant King 2023-10-30 135027
(3)Ancient Babylonian used the sexagesimal system
(4)I’m normal, 2023-10-30143228
(5)I use the 60-digit method more than I thought. The first pack is 60 years, the Fahrenheit is 180 = 603, and it’s 1 hour = 60 minutes 1 minute = 60 seconds. I think it’s useful to use it without any inconvenience
The old base system was before the invention of zero, so it was more like a unit of just binding than the number of digits that we learn in school