image text translation
(1)What’s funny about this is
(2)From Japan to Korea
(3)As the sushi rolled over
(1)Sushi is so funnyimage text translation
(2)an enormous amount of
(3)It changed like cooking
(4)This is really
(5)It’s nothing
(1)This is reallyimage text translation
(2)It’s nothing
(3)With a crazy Japanese master
(4)I’ve never had sushi
(5)With people who don’t make it
(1)The blind testimage text translation
(2)I did
(3)But I’ve never
(4)The one who hasn’t made it before wins
(5)Why would you do that
(1)So, with good ingredientsimage text translation
(2)The one who wrote the good rice wins
(3)You beat the master
(4)I’ve been a craftsman for 40 years
(1)Sushi is not a great dishimage text translation
(3)If it’s too expensive
(4)It doesn’t make sense
(5)He kept talking
Among the overrated foods I think, Chungmu Gimbap is the 2nd place. Sushi