image text translation
(1)D Seoul Newspaper
(2)A delivery machine that attempted sexual assault on a 女 in his 20s
(3)Boyfriends stabbed in the desert can’t live their daily lives
(4)Kim Minji Input 2023 10260643
(5)Eye Click Art
(6)Prosecutors sought 30 years in prison for a delivery driver in his 20s who attempted sexual assault after a woman in her 20s who was returning home late at night. The victim’s boyfriend, who was trying to prevent the crime, was stabbed and seriously injured beyond his daily life
(1)”The victim of rape injury has a great athletic ability due to the crime.”image text translation
(2)It is in a limited state, and the victim is currently unable to walk independently and live daily life, he said. “Considering that the risk of recidivism is very high, the defendant will have to be punished the most severely for his crimes.”
(3)In his final argument, A’s lawyer said, “It is a wrong act without excuse,” and said, “We will do our best to recover the damage to the victims.” In his final statement, A said, “I really want to say sorry to the victims, and I will live with atonement with reflection for the rest of my life.”
(4)The sentencing hearing for Mr. A will be held on the morning of December 1st