image text translation
(1)Nam cam on the lips. Fish cake
(2)10 Ahi
(3)d3704 has a great nose
(4)Let’s just put everything in
(5)Chapter 6 and 17
(6)janchigi 레
(7)Bull dungie 2. Yes, thank you. Garak
(8)two and a half
(9)You have to eat everything well
(10)Ah1201 is a loser
(11)Gurney of yoochan6 is here
(12)Johnnie Brown, Yime
(13)Let’s have 4 pieces of sweet and sour chicken with Mexican boneless chicken
(14)Mom, I like married men. Finally
(15)Bbooing jjin bite is the best
(16)Akitovirtus and Hankyung1010 are fast
(17)A smooth Zu Ho Min triangle
(18)Abbccdf1124 million days, don’t you put in ramen noodles
(19)Very triangular. Slow. It takes 10 million years to get a North Korean crop
(20)I heated up a bowl of rice
(21)Choi Dunguri 2 is a waste
(22)④Eat_the_noobberder chia ekdlekd I think I came late on purpose
(23)peaky1234 Please make a star shape
image text translation
(1)Yes, thank you
(2)two and a half
(3)You have to eat G well
(4)He loses
(5)Yoochan’s Gurney is here
(6)Johnny Brown, yeah
(7)Let’s have 4 pieces of sweet and sour chicken with Mexican boneless chicken
(8)Mom, I like my brother-in-law. Finally
(9)Bbooing jjin bite is the best
(10)Akitovirtus and Hankyung1010 are fast
(11)a smooth_Joo Ho Min triangle
(12)Don’t you put in ramen noodles
(13)Yacute, please do a triangle
(14)122 Black Rose Repo. Slow
(15)I’m getting a bunch of stuff
(16)I’m sorry, but it’s a waste of course
(17)beat_the_noobherder 치아
(18)Ekdelekdl I think I came late on purpose
(19)”Pia Jima” (meaning ‘pia jima (Pia Jima)
(20)peaky_1234 Please make a star shape
(21)If you slice it thinly
(22)The last hope of Korea, Cho Kanghyun, BANA
(23)in a stunt triangle
(24)a solid-curry defense man
image text translation
image text translation
(1)I’ll eat one
image text translation
image text translation
(1)What should I do
image text translation