1 First, go to the Korea Expressway Corporation website

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(2)Q Korea Expressway Corporation
(3)High pass card
(4)Select Seongbuk-gu and region as a result of search
(5)Korea Expressway Corporation
(6)Complaints related to the use of expressways are received for projects such as maintaining convenience facilities for highway communication and providing real-time high-pass traffic broadcasts
(7)exkkr search results
2 Go into the menu

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3. Customer’s voice, please complain

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(1)a customer’s complaint
(2)Application for Customer Reporting
(3)Corporate Growth Response Center
(4)a corporate complaint
4 You will enter the application for damage to the road

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(1)- frequently asked questions
(2)a list of complaints
(3)·Complaint application
(4)- My complaint
(5)- Staff compliments
(6)Land Compensation Guide
(7)Idle Site Guidance
(8)- Application for compensation for damage to the road surface
(9)Application for Customer Reporting
5 Map the road where your vehicle stepped on the pothole and was damaged and contact the relevant branch office for necessary procedures and documents

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(1)OIC JCT Search Yeju IC
(2)○ Namyangju City
(3)Governor in charge. Governor of Gwangju, Gyeonggi Province
(4)Contact 02-2084-1642
(5)○ Seongnam City
(6)⊙ Yeoju City
(7)② Anseong City 5
6 If you step on the pothole and get damaged, please park nearby for a moment and take a picture of the damaged car by stepping on the pothole

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(1)· Collecting and using personal information
(2)and Consent to Provision
(3)- Black Box Video Site
(4)Victimized vehicle with evidence photo
(5)Damage card photographs, etc
(6)※ Damage due to road damage must be confirmed
(7)- Proof of requested amount
(8)Request amount of 500,000 won or less
7 If you turn on the location tag and take a picture, the location information will be recorded in the picture, which is solid evidence

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(1)< Camera Settings
(2)You can highlight the details of the dark or bright areas
(3)Target Tracking AF
(4)Even if the target moves, the camera will automatically focus on the camera
(5)It’s in sync
(6)Vertical Horizontal Guide Line
(7)Location tag
(8)If you add a tag, you can tell where you took a picture or video
(9)How to shoot it
(10)Maintaining Settings
8 And if it’s damaged, don’t just drive the car, call the insurance company and move, it’ll be a solid proof

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(1)Vehicle registration card, insurance, new emergency dispatch confirmation, police dispatch confirmation, etc
When you step on the pothole, don’t just go over it because you stepped on the poop. Make sure to apply for damage and get compensation