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(1)I want to fix my avoiding personality
(2)Inquiry 21115 Recommendation 43
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(4)As the title says, I’m a shy person and I want to fix it
(5)If you argue with someone, you have to solve the cause of the quarrel and improve your relationship
(6)If you talk to solve the cause, it’s hard to talk first to reconcile because you’re afraid to fight more or get more emotionalMy mom was the one who fought the most, but once I had a fight with her, she didn’t talk for 34 weeks for a long time, and she talked to me first at an 8-to-2 ratio
(7)Now that I think about why I’m an evasive person, I think I’m afraid of hearing bad things from others
(8)As mentioned above, in the process of talking to resolve the dispute, you can hear the other person’s suggestion and fix it, but you get hurt for some reason
(9)I’ve never been scolded by my parents and teachers since I was young, but I don’t know why I’m upset and depressed when I got scolded by my boss after I got a job that I told him not to do
(10)I’m jealous of someone who can talk to me again the next day without anyways What kind of mindset should I have
(11)Violet ㅁ 20220125 2107
(12)If I live with the mindset that I’m cleaning up, I’ll fix it. If there’s a misunderstanding, I’ll solve it, and if there’s something I did wrong, I’ll come forward and clean it up. It’s because I’m still an immature kid
(13)It’s because my self-esteem is low. If I feel more confident in myself and I feel like I’m not lacking, I become generous to others and solve problems with confidence Take a closer look at what you want to hide and what you want to fill in and solve that part first When I feel better, other problems are solved naturally
(14)Vapeul Landscape Sound 20220125 2008
(15)The problem with avoiders is that they’re very passive If you don’t have much experience in producing the goals or outputs you want, you’re not active in solving problems, and you’re relying on someone to solve them, or you’re disciplined and intimidated from an early age The reason why active people are better at self-objectifying is because, contrary to my intention, the results of work are different, and I experience that countless variables and parameters are intertwined with causality, and I know that each of them is a separate track, but I don’t know if I live weakly and passively These people live on their own, and when relationships or work fails, they start with frustrationThese people’s characteristics are emotions, even if they know it, they act on it. They’re abilities, but they’re not learning at all So if you keep having problems, you’ll try to get away with it, because you don’t have the art of reconciliation It’s because your family is not reconciling and harmonizing right away, so you can’t even learn it. Then you have to meet active friends or experience it often in your family. You have to live with people who get better after a fight