image text translation
(1)- I think Hyosung is right. 251
(2)Kim Yong-guk’s wife checked 18 hours ago 88784 current 35 sources
(3)I think HOT Jeon Hyosung is right. 143
(4)General 2023-08-19 1327 Inquiry 38589
(5)When it’s dark, whenever I go home
(6)”Will I be able to go home safely today?”
(7)Even when we were filming this
(8)I got rejected a lot because I did it at the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family
(9)There were quite a few crimes against women, starting with broad daylight sexual assault
(10)I don’t know if this was right on the news, especially in the case of Jeon Hyo-sung
(11)There was stalking damage, and it was crushed to powder in the South Pole
(1)If it’s limited to the job of a celebrity, there might be stalkingimage text translation
(2)If you’re limited to the average person, the probability is extremely low
(3)When you start generalizing like that, every felony is the same for everyone
(4)2023-08-19 1329 Additional Comments
(5)If you look at other countries, it’s funny that our country has such good security, but there are psychopaths everywhere
(6)But it’s a country that goes around at night as much as much as Korea
(7)In our country, if the media gets too much news these days, they over-reportIt’s not a bad thing, but it’s a conflict between men and women
(8)2023-08-19 1330 Comments
(9)In other countries, male or female, I can’t even think of going around alone late at night or going to alleys late at night
(10)The comments are still saying how good security is in Korea, but there are still many responses compared to other countries
(1)It’s true that other countries can’t walk at nightimage text translation
(2)”Fan ID” said, “Spring comes even in the stolen land, but it does come.” This comment is an example
(3)8 hours before the frustrating comment
(4)Oh my god[Laughing] [Laughing]
(5)I just need to stay still
(7)Torritory 23
(8)It’s a perfect metaphor
(9)I think they’ll leave a comment that spring is coming
(10)Ah. [Laughing] [Laughing] crying
(11)LEE KNOW. LEE KNOW is so cute
(12)[Laughing] [Laughing] Wow, that’s perfect
(13)Untold USIM CHIP, I love you BTS
(14)[Laughing][Laughing] [Laughing]I think I’m going to fall down after laughing
(15)Soft bear. Soft bear
(16)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(17)It’s so funny [Laughing] I was frowning at the comments and laughed because of you[Laughing]
(18)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(1)[Laughing] [Laughing]image text translation
(2)21st Century Seagull
(3)Ahhhh, I can’t
(4)Ha^^ If you don’t understand the context, just stay still
(5)That’s not a good answer
(6)a round potato
(7)Honestly, compared to other countries, it’s
(8)So, I’m going to talk about recent events
(9)I think the fear that individuals feel is more excessive
(10)Honestly, it’s scary
(11)8 hours before reply
(12)Foreign countries are commonplace
(13)Korea doesn’t have immunity
(14)8 hours before the frustrating comment
(15)222. I really agree that you don’t have immunity And shouldn’t we be alert to the increasing number of things like this that are happening in other countries and not in Korea I’m so dumbfounded that I wonder if I want to be a country where we can’t go out at night someday and there will be more incidents and accidents
(16)tears in one’s belly
(17)As if this is the answer, Korea is one of the most secure countries in the world, but the coverage of crimes is so wide that the public’s response is very sensitive. Foreigners panic or cry after hearing North Korea fired missiles or civil defense training sirens. 8 hours ago
(18)These are the statements that erase street crime victims If you cover your eyes, you think it’s everything
(19)What about other countries? It’s frustrating
(20)But I think it’s especially true for special jobs like Jeon Hyosung. He’s known for his face, and celebrities have problems with drawing I think you’ll be able to feel that way
(1)No, I was talking about my feelingsimage text translation
(2)Untold USIM CHIP, I love you BTS
(3)333 I never said that ordinary people would feel that way, but why is Jeon Hyo-sung cursing as if he were generalizing? 6 hours ago
(4)He’s still refuting this
(5)Sentence The comments are saying that they will acknowledge the anxiety that women feel only then if men and women can’t travel at night like overseas, but how good is the security compared to other countries? The reason why they can refute it is because they don’t feel dangerous at all
(6)Love for Malaxianguo
(7)Why did I get cursed at
(8)8 hours before reply
(9)a disturbing night
(10)It’s safer than his foreign counterpart[Laughing]No, people living in Korea are scared, but why do you keep bringing them abroad
(11)It’s an old saying that it’s only good for self-defense in Namcho now that bad cases keep happening. It’s quite funny to see this. Originally, women were often sexually assaulted or assaulted and killed by strangers[Laughing]You just didn’t think you could be a victim
(12)No, isn’t it just scary? Why do other countries get stuck at night? Sandeul in a country with good security, but if I get caught, I think security is goodLol, criminals are scary because you don’t know when and where it’s going to happen, and it’s a fact that there are a lot of crimes at night, but I guess there’s still a lot of that opinion8 hours before reply
(13)Lee Yubin T1 FAKER
(14)I don’t understand why that comment was so vilified
(15)Just as the oldies who say “compared to the past” to those who live in the present means nothing, even if they say “compared to foreign countries” to those who live in Korea, it doesn’t matter
(1)Let’s goimage text translation
(2)I don’t know why they’re shouting that it’s okay if you’re this big when I’m just scared
(4)Korea is so hot these days that it’s not as hot as Southeast Asia or Japan’s summer!!!! seem to be ignorant of Every time I see it, I get frustrated 8 hours ago
(5)Please recommend an iced tea shot
(6)It’s safer than foreign countries. So what
(7)I don’t understand why Korean women compare Korean night roads to foreign countries when they feel scared X
(8)I hope they get it ^^!
(9)Round potato, doodle, doodle, doodle
(10)If foreign countries are more dangerous, is Korea completely safe? Hahaha
(11)8 hours before reply
(12)Chocolate flavored honey jar
(13)No, that’s what I’m saying
(14)Let’s add love to Dotori Angle
(15)Every time I filmed a drama, people said in the comments, “I need to live safely and go home.” Jeon Hyo-sung didn’t make political remarks or generalize them, but he just feels that way
(16)It’s a fact that weak women are easy to be targeted, but there seem to be a lot of people who don’t even want to admit it
(17)22. Honestly, it’s a bit pathetic
(18)I’m so pathetic that I can’t say anything. If there’s someone like that in this life, it’s best to avoid it quietly. 8 hours ago
(19)Chocolate chiffon cake
(20)44 5 hours before the reply that they are the most pitiful, victimized, and oppressed children with delusional diseases
(1)55 Normal kids are scared of men, and women are worried that they are more scared. LOLimage text translation
(2)66 There are still a lot of people who can’t admit it
(3)To find the Mitsune_Haku master
(4)99 There are a lot of guys who admit it in real life, but I think there are a lot of people who don’t want to admit it on the Internet3 hours before the frustrating comment
(5)7 Modified
(6)I want to reply to this comment
(7)It’s really ugly to do it even though it’s not yet. Just admit it like a man
(8)Assassination cheese pizza
(9)Why do they hate to admit it
(10)8 hours before reply
(11)It’s true that foreign night roads are more dangerous, but it doesn’t mean that Korea’s night roads are safe. In Korea, men and women of all ages are dangerous, and in comparison, women who are relatively alone are targeted. I don’t think it’s enough to understand the context at all8 hours before reply
(12)Now it’s dangerous for men and women
(13)I don’t know why you’re uncomfortable because you’re scared
(14)Why do you keep talking about foreign countries? I live in Korea and there must be a lot of people who are worried about that just by looking at the news, but I don’t know why you’re saying that it’s better than foreign countries; 8 hours before the reply
(1)I like purpleimage text translation
(2)Why is this uncomfortable? Are you insane
(3)8 hours before reply
(4)I see. Haha
(5)In fact, statistics show that violent crime is on the decline
(6)I saw the news that violent crime has increased a lot this yearYes
(7)Untold USIM CHIP, I love you BTS
(8)Give me the statistics~~~~
(9)6 hours before the frustrating comment
(10)I said I was scared, but why are they in trouble
(11)Butter bar is good
(12)I can’t believe you mocked me like that in a country where people die after being beaten with knuckles in broad daylight
(13)They’re scared, too[Laughing]
(14)a surge of 200 men
(15)Planned crime is more likely to be aimed at the weak, but I don’t know if they won’t admit it
(16)Why did you sell out self-defense supplies when you lived in Korea, the world’s No. 1 security? I couldn’t buy them because of all the Korean men 8 hours before reply
(17)I thought women were the only victims of murder, sexual assault, and stalking, but only men were killed in broad daylight
(18)Now I’m scared to go out on the streets. What happened to Korea
(19)You’re going to say that when you’re in your position, but why are you so nervous about women? If you look at the comments of Jeon Hyo-sung’s work, it’s still covered with related malicious comments
(20)If you see Jeon Hyo-sung’s advertisement and hateful comments saying that he said that, men can’t even accept a word that women are anxious for what
(1)That’s why men feel safe because they’ve never experienced a woman knuckling and kicking them on the back foot to rape them Congratulations. 8 hours before your replyimage text translation
(2)No, they’re stalking victims. They’ve never been stalked before. They’re intelligent8 hours before reply
(3)It’s just so funny that people who say they’re scared but haven’t talked about it before write this and that on the Internet
(4)Jeon Jungkook
(5)What about other countries? I’m afraid of the country I live in a country that I’m scared of right now
(6)Current Password
(7)It’s so weird to get angry at that
(8)If I don’t intend to steal anything from this store, I don’t feel bad even if the owner of the store is worried about the item being stolen, but I’m worried. Why do I feel bad
(10)Chocolate milk flavored cookies. Peace on this land!
(11)I’m tired everyday
(12)5 hours before the frustrating comment
(13)55 Those kids had a fit to see all men as potential sex offenders. I wonder if they suspect potential terrorists when they check their luggage at the airport or if they don’t get on planes after a big fight
(14)66 It’s a real fear for women, but I don’t know why they don’t even admit it
(15)All the recent crimes were committed during the day, much less on deserted nights
(16)21st Century Seagull
(17)777 What’s the point of losing your temper
(1)My nickname is bulldozerimage text translation
(2)999. I think the reaction to the anger and ridicule is to put it in the perpetrator’s position58 minutes before the frustrating comment
(3)I want to reply to this comment
(4)There’s a victim who was sexually assaulted and died a few days ago. LOL Those who don’t understand the women’s fear and don’t sympathize with them and force them to force themselves to be sexual assault victims are probably because they’re close to zero
(5)A foreign country can at least own a gun with self-defense In Korea, even if it is self-defense, it is a situation where you are arrested, but of course, it is scary 8 hours before the reply
(6)People who are worried about going home safely feel that way, but they are not themselves I don’t think they watch the news because our country has good security and that ordinary people are likely to be stalked There are so many cases that follow you home and cause crimes just by looking at the news on the Internet or on TV, but 8 hours before the reply
(7)Cities like Seoul and Busan in the Seoul metropolitan area are crowded and stores are running late, so it’s not really safe to go around at night. Walking past 8 p.m. every few years is a strange pervert meeting. The reason why Korea can go around alleys is because of convenience stores in alleys
(8)If you bring statistics on social issues, don’t compare yourself to other countries
(9)I’m saying that security is better than foreign countries
(10)Cheshire Alice in Wonderland
(11)Eight hours before the reply that the stalking victim was worried about his/her return home at night, and what button was pressed to persistently sarcastically write malicious comments
(12)What is my name
(13)When I first saw that comment, I thought it was a bit too much, but a few days ago, when I went home at night, I thought of this. The world is going crazy
(14)warm and cozy
(15)The reason why they don’t want to admit it is because they already unconsciously think that men are potential criminals So when I hear that, I feel guilty and seem to be in a strong denial
(16)You don’t know why you hate yourself when you say don’t hate others
(1)And the people who kill for the same reason all the time are nervousimage text translation
(2)Boucharati Aribederci
(3)Why did men buy so many self-defense supplies after the first stabbing in Sillim-dong, saying it was so safe [Laughing] [Laughing] It’s so pathetic. 8 hours before the reply
(4)You can’t generalize that They don’t even have the money to buy self-defense supplies. If they do, they don’t buy them because they’re a waste of money
(5)6 hours before the frustrating comment
(6)Do it. Our ship only goes one way
(7)It’s safer than other countries, but I don’t think we should think of it that way
(8)You have to think about making the security better, and you can see it getting worse, but it’s still better than a foreign country. Then there’s no progress It’s not like we’re going to a catastrophe together
(9)Let’s just make it possible to have a gun
(10)I want women to carry guns
(11)Shrimp soup is good
(12)You’ll never be stalked, so you’ll feel like it’s not your business7 hours before reply
(13)They admit they’re criminals
(14)People say they’re scared, but I guess they’re Jeon Hyosung
(15)Thank you
(16)I’m not saying it’s better than worse, but it’s actually happening
(17)LEE KNOW. LEE KNOW is so cute
(18)Oh, then I’ll see if I get it. ^^ Men who write these comments have never been victimized. It’s because women don’t talk, but there are few women around who haven’t experienced large and small incidents
(19)7 hours before reply
(20)Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
(21)Why did the sales rate of self-defense products soar in such a safe country When I heard that only men were killed during the Simrim-dong stabbing, he said, “Why didn’t you kill a woman in Namcho?” He knows that women are dangerous more than anyone else, but why do you think of yourself as a potential criminal and empathize with the perpetrator? Normal men just curse criminals and sympathize with women
(1)7 hours before the frustrating commentimage text translation
(2)Column Turner Theseus Scamander
(3)The night road is so scary. It’s so easy to think about
(4)Whenever I see this controversy that doesn’t seem like a controversy, I’m amazed [Laughing] They’re not gonna guarantee you a night’s safety. They’re just seven hours away from your reply
(5)Burger Pants Metatone Bbddddd
(6)The only thing I can do is verify the thought of an easy female celebrity and say it’s evil
(7)Now it’s a country with bad security that foreigners know Seven hours before the reply, the stabbing incident was reported extensively in other countries’ famous news
(8)Do you know how I feel when I call 119 on my phone
(9)Yupdduk Honey Combo
(10)He says he’s scared, but others are going crazy
(11)Why are you having a seizure when you say you’re scared? I’m glad you’re not working
(12)I miss you a lot
(13)Ah, until the end
(14)Satoru Gojo, it’s okay. I’m the best
(15)I’m not saying that it’s safer than other countries, but is “context blindness” synonymous with outsiders
(16)Someone just coughed
(17)When only male victims came out at Seohyeon Station, they were surprised, and everyone ordered self-defense supplies and still talked about it. 7 hours before the reply
(18)Get rid of Jeon Hyo-sung, guys
(1)It’s hotter in countries near the equatorimage text translation
(2)It’s not that summer is not hot in Korea
(3)Talking about security in other countries seems really social
(4)When spring comes, let’s go to Daegaya
(5)222 And I don’t know why you keep saying that you’re scared and that our country’s security is good. 7 hours ago
(6)It’s Jordi
(7)I say I’m having a hard time, but I think there are more people who are having a hard time than youLOL It’s hard if I’m having a hard time. It’s hard to live with people who say that. It’s hard to make money Don’t say that There are a lot of people in worse conditions than you
(8)6 hours before reply
(9)And in foreign countries, even if there’s a crime, there’s life without parole, there’s a death sentence or hundreds of years in prison, but we have to live in fear of the perpetrator for the rest of our lives, even if he dies or gets injured
(10)It must be very convenient to live in Korea because it has better security than foreign countries
(11)6 hours before the frustrating comment
(12)the right love guide
(13)You must be happy because it’s a flower garden
(14)What will happen today? My heart is pounding
(15)Your intelligence will change in years
(16)There’s nothing wrong with Jeon Hyosung’s logic in the first place When I watch the news, I think that’s going to happen to me, even if I’m not a celebrity6 hours before reply
(17)Meow meow
(18)I don’t want to compare it to other countries, but I just want Korea to be a safe country at any time
(19)Gyeongja is Gyeongja
(20)Is it comforting to compare it to other countries? It must be a flower garden
(21)It’s good, but it’s not enough to go around at night
(22)Our country is also very scary and scary Especially if you’re a woman, you have no choice but to feel it first. Until when will you think of Korea, which was peaceful? Are you not watching the news these days
(1)Why do you keep talking about other countries? In Korea, the people concerned feel that security is getting worse day by day [Laughing]6 hours before the frustrating commentimage text translation
(2)Let me write “Cheongseolmo”
(3)The odds used to be lotto, but these days it’s just random
(4)Men are dangerous in other countries, but not in Korea So they think there’s no better country than Korea Is there any other country that has a solid world of its own
(5)6 hours before reply
(6)Oh, my. There’s no answer
(7)Soft bear. Soft bear
(8)They say that empathy is intelligent too
(9)a regular bottle discriminator
(10)That’s why there’s sexual assault and stabbings in broad daylight I’ve been through it, but I’m still not aware of it
(11)5 hours before reply
(12)Seriously, what do you want me to do about security compared to other countries[Laughing] I tried to beat people to death and sexually assault them in broad daylight, but if they say it’s better than other countries, then I see! I don’t get nervous after doing this
(13)It’s funny that they just don’t have to commit crimes, but they yell at people who are anxious not to be scared
(14)Melon cake
(15)Even in a country with good security, women run by force, so it’s right to be wary at times when there are few people, why don’t you admit it? Men are scared of it
(16)A cute kid, Haengwoon’s mom
(17)What’s the point of having good security If there was a crime
(18)There are quite a few cases where the police take care of the punishment or crimes that can be prevented because they only think about the life of the perpetrator in foreign countries, and the victim eventually dies
(19)It’s a world where people are killed even in broad daylight, but I can’t even say that I’m scared of the night
(20)go to one’s old age
(21)Why are you comparing foreign countries to foreign countries? It’s just hard in Korea It’s hard for us to live in our country, but why did we bring foreign countries
(1)It’s sadimage text translation
(2)Five hours before the reply, “It’s nothing compared to Africa and India, but we need to take action before the security gets worse.”
(3)Whether I can go home alive today is safety and sensitivity, right? It’s scary. It depends on the person In conclusion, I think that comment is sensitive. It’s frustrating
(5)Happy birthday! How about a guy in his mid-30s!
(6)I think safety intolerance is much better than insensitivity
(7)4 hours before the frustrating comment
(8)Is there anything that has harmed you? Aren’t the people who say that they’re not picky about what they can’t say and that they’re mean more sensitive? Get a hold of yourself4 hours before the frustrating comment
(9)What’s so sensitive about someone who’s been stalked? He says empathy is intelligence, but if you’ve been born and lived as a woman in Korea, just shut up
(10)That’s the same stance
(11)2 hours before the frustrating comment
(12)I want to reply to this comment
(13)Should I say thank you because the security is better than abroad Why do you keep dragging foreign countries
(14)Jeon Hyosung says he feels that way. Why are they right or wrong I don’t know if it’s a mess It’s not even that many women agree, but if overseas is more dangerous than us, will we become a crime-free zone? It’s pathetic and I can’t say anything
(15)The end of the sea above the sky
(16)If you’ve seen the news
(17)I’m not saying everyone’s a criminal, there are a lot of criminals There are a lot of incidents
(18)You’re trying to control other people’s emotions. I’m scared. What do you want me to do[Laughing] [Laughing]
(19)SKT WIN, the rhubarb
(1)What does foreign security have to do with living in Korea? 4 hours agoimage text translation
(2)What if you really don’t understand comparing yourself to other countries? I’m in Korea
(3)The reason why I became a pollock eye is because of you
(4)If you don’t like that celebrity’s comment, do you hate it when Korea seeks to be saferSecurity is a common value shared by men as well as women
(5)I don’t understand why you’re mentioning other people’s security
(6)I wish you a safer society in Korea
(7)Then why are our stocks still at risk of war when there is not a high possibility of a war with North Korea Some countries are in a civil war, but our military is a joke I wonder if you’ll agree with me even if I say this
(8)There are only a few parents in Korea The problem is that there is no system to deal with the truth, so the fear of parents is in the education and service industries
(9)Likewise, I’m not saying that our country’s security is bad It’s impossible to punish or deal with sex crimes or stalking So it’s ridiculous to dismiss the anxiety you feel as if it’s an illusion
(10)Now, let’s tighten up the punishment. If you commit a crime, you can isolate the perpetrator immediately. There are so many McLang-maids
(11)I understand refuting the saying that Korea’s security is bad, but isn’t it freedom because it’s a subjective idea that walking on the street is scary? In the case of security in a country, there are objective indicators, but it’s an individual’s idea that walking is scary It doesn’t look like you’re mocking me for that4 hours before the reply
(12)If you don’t have that much empathy, you’re gonna have to die
(13)Round puppy
(14)Empathy is also intelligent
(1)I don’t know why Jeon Hyo-sung was ridiculed because he didn’t make hate speech in the first place. He just said his concern3 hours before replyimage text translation
(2)Is it okay to leave it like this if the security is better than other places? Is it really a rice cooker
(3)Seiji Matoba (Chinese version only)
(4)That’s right, but I don’t know why you’re cursing so much. Are all those people transferring to criminals? 3 hours before the reply
(5)Jordy JORDY
(6)A cup of iced Americano, please
(7)It’s relatively good compared to other countries But that’s also statistically true, and just because we’re in the top three of 10 countries, it doesn’t apply numerically to each individual’s life, and statistically, if something bad happens twice in 10 times, no one knows it’s going to be bad or good eight times, and you have to be anxious about it I don’t know if you’re often mentioned because you’re offended by celebrity remarks, saying, “Our country’s security is good, but it’s too much nonsense.” Just because I feel like I’m an A, no one else feels like I’m an A. There are people who are misunderstanding
(8)That’s a good thing you said This is it
(9)2 hours before the frustrating comment
(10)222. It’s this I know you have good security, but every time I hear about a crime, I think it can happen to me2 hours before the frustrating comment
(11)Most women live safely, so even if it’s not a big deal, it’ll be okay. Don’t they go like thisLOL 3 hours before the ridiculous reply
(12)a person who hates summer
(13)They know they don’t belong to the main victim, so they say such a complacent thing
(14)But I’ve never been in a crime in my life, but I’ve seen people around me suffer from it at least once, so I think about it, but the crime is a stalker, and two of my acquaintances are suffering from stalking crimes And the news is full of horrible articles, and the search rate for self-defense products has increased right away
(15)Even though you’re not wearing makeup, there’s a sexual assault incident at Seoul Park, and what’s safe about Korea
(1)At that time, I thought it was too much, but now that I see it, it’s trueimage text translation
(2)And those kids are India! I’ll bring it up lol
(3)If there was no security at all, you wouldn’t be able to walk around at night It’s enough to get around, so it could expose you to crime, so I’m scared. I can’t even go around other countries because I’m afraid I’ll be the exception I think that’s a hell of a mind Are you the only one who’s having a hard time? There are more people who are having a hard time than you. Stop whining. 2 hours ago
(4)Just talking about women’s safety like that, I think they’re driving men like they’re pathological Even in the Jammi case, all men joined together to brand him. Jeon Hyo-sung is still scared of the night road and mocked him. He raped a middle school girl at a shopping mall in the daytime, raped a woman going to work in the daytime, raped her, went out to throw trash, and killed her There are so many misogynistic crimes against women, and if men are mistaken, revenge crime stalking occurs all the time, injuries, and deaths, so if you are a woman, the world is scary these days
(5)The security was so good that a stabbing in the middle of the city in broad daylight caused a sexual assault
(6)I’m scared of the night road. I’m going to show you a lot of common men
(7)I’m happy that I can do it
(8)He just said he was scared and didn’t talk about anything else, but he’s been losing it for years. Then he said he was scared because of the knife attack. 2 hours before the reply
(9)”MICDROP” The light we saw each other
(10)I thought it was something I could say personally, such as stalker or sketch, but I was embarrassed because I was criticized a lot
(11)2 hours before reply
(12)You’re a thoughtless kid
(13)I’m scared, too, and I feel like I’m going to faint on the subway every time I see a criminal articleㅜㅜ
(14)What’s the reason why the mother is impatient for her daughters to come home early? She’s worried that she’ll be able to come home safely late at night, which would be unusual2 hours before reply
(1)I don’t know why I keep comparing myself to other countries Are you saying that I can ask myself if there is a person with poop? If there are victims of the perpetrator and there is a risk, I should try to improve that part. Why is it better than other places I don’t know if it’s like this, and people who approach it with this thought do other things, and I don’t think about raising my rank to a person who is fifth in the class and is 10thimage text translation
(2)What do you want me to do about the bad security in other countries[Laughing] [Laughing] If the security of other countries is bad, the security of our country will get better, but those countries are the worst, and our country also has bad security, especially for women
(3)Look at me
(4)It’s only a man who can peel it. It’s a given for a woman
(5)You’re gonna sell the people you’re supposed to be, and you’re not wrong, so stop posting bad comments
(6)Unfortunately, I agree
(7)When I saw people respond to random knife crime as something that could happen to me at any time after buying self-defense supplies, I thought, “It could happen to anyone, it could be me.” Should I really say that? I wish these crimes would disappear, but on the other hand, I’m a little upset and changed perceptions
(8)Men who have no talent or ability to marry women for the rest of their lives incite normal men with a distorted image of women, but in short, many normal men seem to be swayed by real people
(9)I can do it. I mean, compared to foreign countries, what about this country where I live In a country where rape and murder occur in parks even in broad daylight, what do you mean compared to other countries
(10)39 minutes before the reply
(11)Please dance to the rhythm
(12)Don’t walk around late at night to a girl!
(13)When a woman said that she was afraid to go around late at night, she said, “I’m overburdened.” [Laughing]