image text translation
(1)Look at this white paper with another bottle of water [Laughing] [Laughing]
(2)Two. I’m taking a break from eating
(3) sunyoung3070 I shouldn’t have read the comments
(4)Do Budeul oil
(5)6 Please answer the question
(6) sunyoung3070 Oh, please [Laughing]
(7)Oh, my. Fanfare
(8) sunyoung3070 [Laughing] [Laughing]
(9)4. The standard man
(10)By the way
(11) sunyoung3070 [Laughing] The master of comments
(12)Pink, pink, pink
(13) sunyoung3070 You’re not crazy [Laughing]
(14) sunyoung3070 I got off thinking about that [Laughing]
(15)4 Mushroom Man
(16) sunyoung3070 IU 15L x 6 = Baek Jiyoung
image text translation
(1)It’s totally a trending
a person-changing water