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Commentator Kim Jung-min, who Hong Jin-ho says can do as much as Dong


Commentator Kim Jung-min, who Hong Jin-ho says can do as much as Dong

image text translation

(1)formaump flow down
(2)a Bundaberg oil painting
(3)Shingai Ma Highlands
(4)the sea of sea bream
(5)Kim Jung-min, former professional gamer game commentator
(6)The reason for this meditation is to dedicate it to Jinho Hong
(7)● Gama Go Won Starcraft – Wood
(8)Canamuwikip Margot One Starcraft
(9)Onation nota Danawa Director Studio under the name of YouTube With Net Facebook
(10)Song Young-gil’s Yoon Suk Yeol is evidence of the damage appeal of his wife’s family and economic community女 Sergeant Choi Hwa-hwa
(11)The producer of the 1011 version is Kim Jin-tae, but he joined the army before moving on to the version, so Byun Hyun-seok, the next map maker, noticed that Kim Jin-tae joined the army without leaving a modification map, and re-produced it by looking at the 11 version image
(12)Park Joong-sa’s illegal ball throws the ball, recognized as an affair and an invitation man. Joo Ho-min’s basketball practice is easy-going – Ilbe’s once-in-a-curiosity
(13)Each of them is a mess
(14)The front yard defense using was 3tpwwygosucomreportsm2=mapidx=30assort=namepage=1search=YToyo, so if you don’t always reveal your field of view, the molting ntzOEXOlJZX2eXdvemRdCl7c200OuYWitzOzOzOzOjk6cjl6C260C260C260Cy6C260Cvl6C260Cdfy6C260Cdfjl6C260Cdfjl6C260C260C
(15)To see more details
(16)In the old version, Tefjeon Fjeo was all similar, but Teran was ahead with a double score in the Tefjeon, and in the Singama Highlands, the Tefjeon is still ahead with a double score until the Tefjeon Fjeo And Teppon was even
(17)2 National Game Wadul Military Accident jpg Marble Korea Himaham
(18)Famous games include Lim Yo-hwan, who is famous for “Why doesn’t Marine die?” vs. Hong Jin-ho, EVER professional league game, bell pepper, professional league semifinals, full league, Lee Yoon-yeol, and Han Seung-yeop gameThe world of cold parking lots gifyoungmany. Before, Seoul’s transition was a challenge
(19)Park Jung-seok has a very high winning rate on this map. In the last game of the 2002 SKY Cup, he beat Hanbit Stars senior Gang Do-kyung from behind to advance to the quarterfinals dramatically. In the quarterfinals, he beat Bertrand Grosfelier Just as Lim Yo-hwan received the blessings of Ragnarok and Neo Hall of Valhalla in the Coca-Cola Star League, Park Jung-seok also won with the blessing of the Gaema Plateau, but the next tournament, the Panasonic Star League, lost all three games in the round of 16
(20)Double house doesn’t know
(21)And in the front yard of the Alartrang in question
(22)Yes, if you search, type it here
(23)Terran was ahead of Terra with a double score and only a double lead. If it’s a double, it’s over
(24)Forestaumo Fruit Fruits Fruits Fruits and Fruits
(25)It’s just a different era of intimidation
(26)Imagination of the 13th 2
(27)I can’t believe I got worse reviews than JEONGJAE
(28)Hong Jinho can think like that That’s what you can think insideI think I should be compared to my rival
(29)It’s obvious that the best jug of all time is Dong, but Hong Jin-ho made it under bad conditionsIf it weren’t for Jinho, would Dong have appeared? That’s not true
(30)Their hard work has made the map normal
(31)- I think you’re the last one. – Without it, it would have been Dong
(32)Jugg Choi Moo Song is Park Sung Jun’s pioneer, Kong
(33)The reason why he’s weak with Terran
(34)Bone doesn’t have gas
(35)You can’t get two at the same time. It’s the front yard
(36)Gold is a dog’s nest
(37)I almost said that
(38)South Korea’s Ham Clan
(39)Dpdizistowi is changing his words after seeing the public sentiment
(40)I almost said defense
(41)There’s another entranceCourage N.G
(42)32 and
(43)There’s another entrance in front of the front yard
(44)Yes, bunkering
(45)You’re gonna be so happy
(46)Chili drop the tang
(47)Frog got 1 point and 2 points
(48)973 Optimization
(49)dpdizistowi is really
(50)Forestaump, what
(51)Youngmanry, this is management
(52)twdit… This kind of map
(53)Hill sizzles. Sweet
(54)Pseudoscience novice lol
(55)I want it. Drop tank
(56)The bunker is being built
(57)Yeah, there’s a bunker on the hill
(58)If it weren’t for the ball, it’s Dongie’s pose
(59)Next year, on January 1st, 3rd, and 4th, when you make autumn
(60)To Jinho
(61)Park Sung Hoon is good at closet jug
(62)You know, when you hit SUNGKN
(63)The first winner is Park Sung Jun
(64)Pea-cheeked turtle
(65)Double no mu-shakey! Young-many
(66)Make the forrestgump map normal lol
(67)”2 Very War” and “Thinking.”
(68)You can’t stop the hill
(69)You can’t stop the hill
(70)Thinking about the league
(71)ndition If you look at modern art, Lee Yoon Yeol’s old game
(72)Is it the dogma plateau
(73)a hill behind a mineral
(74)Don’t just leave me in the front yard and don’t eat anything
(75)But you’re so good at it
(76)I wonder if I can do this This
(77)I can’t even eat the gas. I’m on it
(79)It’s information
(80)Next to your mother, you built it on a big Neral Castle
(81)Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll just go. I’ll just go through the hill
(82)Ch4677… Isn’t it that? Marine
(83)The quality is good. This is it
(84)Wow, he’s a Marine who never dies
(85)Wow, that’s it
(86)It’s an example of a match between Hong Jinho and Lim Yo-hwan
(87)I did the front yard. What should I do with the back? Let’s build a castle
(88)030809 KTF Ever Professional League Dongyang vs KTF 1 game Lim Yo-hwan vs Hong Jin-ho Shingaemago
(89)Image quality sphere
(90)Oh, this is it. Wow
(91)Marin Who Won’t Die
(92)It’s hair
(93)Please. The front yard is big
(94)Look at the sky
(95)I can’t believe it
(96)Someone told me to hit the big one in the back
(97)The egg that goes today is forever chuchu chuchu chuchu—-and then it’s backbuilding up one’s
(99)phia_76ers support me
(100)The situational touch
(101)It’s a veranda
(102)If there was Sungken in the back, I would’ve just blocked him
(103)Then, I would have gone back to the original stage
(104)Press Esc to exit the full screen
(105)That’s it
(106)child-beauty sex
(107)Everyone, Jinho had a hard time on this mapEveryone, it’s this scene. This is the scene where the ring protects it. It’s sad. It’s sad. It’s sad. It’s a person when it’s sad
(108)I’m tearing up
(109)20020913 2002 SKY On-Game Net Star League quarterfinals 5 games in Group B. Gaema Highlands Jang Jin-nam Zerg vs Kim Jung-min Terran
(110)Haruha, please. It’s the old version
(111)Radi [Laughing] [Laughing]
(112)On game net
(113)Siris, what gas mute
(114)Does mutal make sense
(115)The level of looks of old professionals
(116)He showed the match between himself and Jang Jin Nam as an example
(117)That’s why they played a lot
(118)Look! The game is over, everyoneTooth
(119)Did we start the game? Wongas mutal? The game is over. The game is over.”
(120)Does one gas mutal make sense
(121)The level of appearance of old professionals
(122)Original name 2077 original sin
(123)The game is over. I’m crying
(124)I won and I’m doing it
(125)Oh, I lost. I can see the feeling
(126)Honestly, this is the map Ragnarok, but I didn’t lose, but I know it’s not that big
(127)This map was trash, too
(128)PS La131 was the most notorious Terran map of all time, and that Terran’s one loss beat Kim Jung-min, which Hong Jin-ho now explainsthe history of Gnarok
(129)There’s gas
(130)Does that make sense
(131)It’s from jbsdude
(132)Give up on your up
(133)Look. He’s playing Mutal Rucker with One Gas. He picked One Gas Mutal and Lawler. It could be Gas
(134)I don’t think so
(135)It’s hard to say that Jinho won this map
(136)I went there
(137)Hong Jin-ho, who fought on a difficult map, no matter how he gets hit, it’s still fun time
(138)This map doesn’t even have a word mapI analyze the map Hole of Valhalla Glasto. These maps are based on each and every reason why they’re poop maps. How can you do it on these maps? There’s a case of analysis that Jug fought at that time
(140)What the hell is Hong Jin Ho
(141)I think it’s going to be something like that
(142)Why is this
(143)If you’re on the hill
(144)Were you there
(145)771 is a bird
(146)It’s nice to meet you
(147)”Gae Legend Map 2002 SKY Bae Star League 3rd place, Hong Jin-ho.”
(148)Without Terran, you
(149)Show us what the Hongjin fish had a fightBut I heard we came in 3rd place. It’s right that we did it. We did it
(150)We got 3rd place
(151)How come you didn’t meet her
(152)Bert and the French were one of the masters of Lothair at the time, third lol
(153)producer of and darkness
(154)Lee’s “Yagle”
(155)Radia Bertie Hill
(156)Our Hysk
(157)It’s a self-evident place
(158)Phila_76ers How can he not eat the front yard
(159)Ah, for your information, what did you think about the map
(160)Please keep that in mind
(161)If I were to defend the map makers, we thought everyone was like this
(162)But you have to know for sure. It’s possible to say that the “Ddong Map” was a generation that developed into “Making a Star”
(163)At this time, we made a run map so that all of us could watch it
(164)Do it

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