image text translation
(1)Abandon the hatred of general targeting
(2)The scent of the Yangtze tourist attraction there
(3)At one point, I felt like I was losing something when I tried to attack
(4)I was stressed out because I felt like I didn’t enjoy 100 games
(5)Then, I suddenly had this thought
(6)The time when I enjoyed playing games the most in my life was
(7)Whether it’s an arcade, an internet cafe, or a house, I’ll sit with my friend
(8)What I found out was that my friend was talking about all sorts of miscellaneous things
(9)Why didn’t you know about it? You couldn’t find and solve
(10)I think it’s part of the game
(11)Since it’s rare to play console games offline
(12)It’s about asking and answering questions on the internet commu
(13)In the past, there was a time when it was fun to just read a long time ago
(14)Don’t look at the target. If you look at the target, you lose be a loss
(15)I hope you don’t get too tied up in the same way
(1)You just watch it if you want to see itimage text translation
(2)I think there’s someone who’s too obsessive
(3)What does it mean when you’re stressed out without watching
(4)Everyone has their own style
(5)I wasn’t going to watch it at first, but I weighed stress and compromised moderately
(6)If you want to see it, you just watch it. If you don’t want to do it, it’s the people’s consciousness
(7)Controversy over the standard of U.S. semiconductor subsidies to contain business secrets in Excel files
(8)I think it’s more fun to watch
(9)Yes, you can’t do it when you’re struggling alone, but these days, it’s called a dung stubbornness
(10)These days, games go well without having to look at them, but I watch them because there are a lot of old games like shit
(11)The attack here is too comprehensive. Even dogs and dogs wake up quickly. Old and sick commuters watch full spoilers, play games like YouTube Editions, and self-sufficiency. If you don’t target, invest 200 hours to find out
(12)Is the age of the target book
(13)That’s right. It’s like watching a commentary class when you can’t solve math problems
(14)If it doesn’t work out, you have to look at it to keep interested
(15)Well, I heard that Zelda 1 was made to be broken while sharing information
(16)I don’t want to miss my collection so I watch it
(17)It looks similar, but it’s a little different. Akiage War Play with low entry barriers
(18)I think Shigeruong also talked about the joy of the game by finding out the target and sharing it with each other
(19)If you don’t see it, you won’t be able to break anything
(20)When you play Soul Ryu, even if you wake up without looking at the boss
(21)I do look for directions
(22)I ended up targeting the latter part of the meeff – dc app
(23)There’s something I want to see, but I don’t know about anything else, but I really like to see the item information I want and get it early and go around with it for a long time
(24)Whether it’s an arcade, an internet cafe, or a house, I’ll sit with my friend
(25)What I found out was that my friend was talking about all sorts of miscellaneous things
(26)The reason why I feel this sentence is prestigious is because when we were young, we became close to our friends and brothers through game stories
(27)Wouldn’t the game play a role that penetrates the entire generation who will be close to their nephew or children’s generation in the future – dc app
(28)I’ve been stressed out about the difficulty of games, challenges, and progress, but it’s fun to just put it down