These days, car stickers are recognized.

image text translation
(1)Save Joo Ai first!△ an emergency
(2)I’m driving like X, so avoid it. Most cars with these stickers are a little weird to drive.
(3)When I see those stickers while driving, I don’t want to get involved.
(4)We’re either avoiding it or changing lanes.
(1)03112347 Reply Reportimage text translation
(2)And it’s pathetic that there are parents who think that they’re transfusing blood in an emergency because there’s blood type written there. Honestly, it’s a prejudice, but anyone can see it, and I’ve never seen anything like that in an expensive car.
(3)03120932 Reply Report
(4)A friend of mine has been a paramedic for over 10 years.
(5)They say that you have to put a blood type sticker on the back window of the car, but you’ve never referred to it in an accident.
(6)I don’t even have time to look at that when I rescue him in the first place.
(7)It’s meaningless because even if you’re a mental patient in the hospital, you’re going to conduct a blood type test and judge it.
(8)And in case of an emergency, please save the child first. There’s no reason to put that sticker on.
(9)The top priority of the rescue is to judge the ship’s rescuers, and some crazy paramedic is judging them by those stickers.
(10)If I see a child, of course I’ll save him first.
(11)reply 1
(12)03120909 Reply Report
(13)Isn’t it because you’re so bad at driving that you have a high probability of going through it?