image text translation
(1)If you hit the wasp with a frying pan,
(2)I can’t stop remembering the sound.
(3)Even if I fall down after getting hit by the frying pan,
(4)I can’t believe I’m flying around again.
(5)If it’s not a creture, what is it?
(6)05/15/2020 1254 PM Twitter for
(7)Through the Android app,
(8)7775 Retweet 1542. I like it.
(9)It’s a wasp Tamna.
(10)If it looks like an insect, it’s a wasp.
(11)If it’s a Pokemon, it’s a wasp.
(12)May 15, 2020, 201 PM, Twitter for
(13)1666 Retweet 284 I like it.
(14)I saw S.B somewhere.B.
(15)It’s not a wasp.
(16)It’s a bee. It’s not a wasp.
(17)That’s not a wasp. It’s not a wasp.
(18)Who flew the drone? A wasp.
(19)Twitter for May 7, 2020 729 PM
(20)I like 4002 retweet 898.
(21)Usually, bees die when they are shoveled, but long-lived wasps are shoveled from the ground.
(22)There’s a difference between determining revenge and standing up.
(23)May 15, 2020, 1139 AM, Twitter for
(24)4019 Retweet 866. I like it.
(25)Long-lived wasp recognized on Twitter.
(26)- There’s no way you don’t know when you meet them
(27)- eye contact
(28)- You don’t have to look closely. You can see my facial features.
(29)If Dwayne Johnson is stuck in the window,
(30)Long-lived wasp
(31)- It’s about the size of a hamster.
(32)Anyway, it’s very big.
(33)- Weapons required.
(34)May 15, 2020, 209 PM, Twitter for
(35)Through the iPhone app,
(36)807 Retweet 231. I like it.
(1)Black wasp on the back of Little waspimage text translation
(2)Big Star Double-Spaced Bee Double-Eyed Double-Eyed Bee Double-Spaced Bee Big Snake Slanted Bee Snake Slanted Double-Spaced Bee
(1)Beekeeper NBC News Interviewimage text translation
(2)The dead bees were found in the hive, but their heads were all cut off.
(3)The culprit went overseas, ate American water, and grew bigger.
(4)Western honeybees have no countermeasures against longevity wasps, so the U.S. is in a mess.
(5)One wasp can slaughter thousands of ordinary bees.
(6)Nickname is Asian Murder Hornet.
It’s scary.