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(1)I was a pushover. After I joined the company, I was a military fan.
(2)developing disgust
(3)Korea Aerospace Industries – ooiwuyye
(4)It’s a YouTube algorithm. Stop making videos about military-related videos.
(1)Hanwha Defense·eTGC51image text translation
(2)Now I’m scared when I see my phone on the news.
(3)4 days – Good 4 ■● Daggle
(4)Defense Science Research Institute. Fire!
(5)I don’t want to wear khaki or military colors.
(6)Two days is good. Two days. ■
Fake madness hobby becomes a job, reality hits me

image text translation
(1)Defense Agency for Technology and Quality htf7fcw
(2)I’ve loved tanks since I was young and I still love them.
(3)I’m going crazy. I want to be the president of the Black Panther once.
(4)6 days is good 2 ■● Daggle
It’s really crazy.